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Tout sur Puerto Vallarta et Plus en Français


Puerto Vallarta se définit par le charme naturel de ses plages encadrées par les montagnes de la Sierra Madre, l’essence de sa culture, de sa gastronomie et de ses traditions ainsi que par la chaleur et l’hospitalité d’être accueilli comme un ami. Cette destination magique a un goût et un esprit mexicain authentique.

Plus de 60 pages en Français https://promovisionpv.com/francais/

Puerto Vallarta Français

Qu’il s’agisse d’une aventure à la découverte de rivières escarpées dans la jungle ou d’un voyage relaxant, Puerto Vallarta propose un large éventail d’activités et d’expériences.

Numéros d’urgence

Ligne d’urgence : 911
(comprend la police, les pompiers et les ambulanciers)

Les numéros répertoriés ci-dessous supposent que vous appelez depuis un numéro de téléphone mexicain. Si vous appelez depuis un numéro en dehors du Mexique, vous devez ajouter +52 avant le numéro de téléphone.


 Première CMQ : 322-226-6500
 Hôpital : 322 226-2081
 Hôpital Joya : 322-226-1010
 San Mare : 322-252-1711
 Centre médical de Vallarta : 322-178-3000
 Médassiste : 322-223-0444
 CMQ : 322-223-0878
 IMSS : 322-224-3838
 Régional : 322-224-4000

Bureaux importants

 Département des véhicules automobiles : 322-224-8484
 Bureau du tourisme Municipal : 322-222-0923 (poste 230 ou 232 pour la protection du tourisme)
 Bureau de l'immigration, Marina Terminal : 322-224-7643
 Consulat américain, Plaza Paradise Village, Nuevo Vallarta : 333-268-2100 (à Guadalajara) ; appel d'urgence 555-080-2000
 Consulat Canadien, Plaza Peninsula : 322-293-0098 ou 322-293-0099 (après les heures d'ouverture, appelez le 1-800-706-2900)
 Protection des consommateurs (PROFECO) : 322-225-0000 ou 322-225-0018
 Compagnie d'Electricité (CFE) : 071
 Société d'eau et d'égouts (SEPAL) : 322-223-1516
 Services municipaux : 322-223-2500
 Ministère Public #4 : 322-222-1762

Lignes Aériennes

 Aérotron : 322-226-8440
 Aeromexico : 001 880-021-4000
 AirCanada : 001 514-393-3333
 Air Transat : 001 514-636-3630
 Alaska : 001 880-252-7522
 Américain : 555-209-1400
 Delta : 001 880-221-1212
 Frontière : 001 880-432-1359
 Sud-Ouest : 001 880-435-9792
 Pays du Soleil : 001 651-905-2737
 États-Unis : 001 880-864-8331
 Viva Aérobus : 818-215-0150
 Volaris : 551-102-8000
 WestJet : 001 403-444-2446

Puerto Vallarta est la destination familiale par excellence. Écotourisme et parc aquatique, aventures au milieu de la jungle, nage avec les dauphins dans leur habitat naturel, journées remplies de soleil, de sable ou de divertissement et de culture parmi ses rues pittoresques, absolument tout ce que vous recherchez lors de la planification de votre voyage en famille vous attend dans cette destination.

Découvrez la beauté naturelle de Puerto Vallarta et laissez-vous surprendre par la grande diversité de la flore et de la faune : visiter le zoo ou l’estuaire d’El Salado, faire de l’équitation jusqu’à la cascade de Quimixto ou simplement flâner dans les rues et les plages est un voyage de découverte où pélicans et cormorans vous rejoindront. La biodiversité de la destination vous enchantera.

Plongée sous-marine, cours de plongée, guide de surf et plongée en apnée, vous pouvez profiter de ces activités familiales sur les plages de Puerto Vallarta. Les eaux calmes du Pacifique seron le cadre idéal pour passer une journée à découvrir la magie de cette destination. Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne YouTube pour plus d’informations sur les destinations et les activités.


Explorez l’ile de la rivière Cuale et laissez-vous surprendre par les activités artistiques et les ateliers proposés . Découvrez le côté culturel de Puerto Vallarta en visitant le musée de la Marine, le musée du chocolat et ses nombreuses galeries et lieux culturels tels que les arches du Malecón avec des spectacles et des performances en plein air à apprécier en famille.

Avec autant de lieux à découvrir, Puerto Vallarta et l’un des meilleurs endroits pour voyager entre amis car cette destination à tout pour profiter et passer de merveilleux moments. Visitez notre chaîne YouTube pour quelques idées de choses que vous pouvez faire lorsque vous visitez Puerto Vallarta avec des amis.

Lorsque vous visitez Puerto Vallarta avec des amis, ajoutez à votre emploi du temps une balade en yacht . Ces visites sont guidées par des habitants qui connaissent bien la région. Vous pourrez donc profiter d’activités tel que nager avec des dauphins sauvages, faire de la plongée en apnée ou simplement profiter de la balade avec votre boisson préférée à la main tout en visitant les Îles Marietas, Las Caletas, Quimixto ou Yelapa. Ce sera une expérience mémorable à coup sûr.

Une chose que vous devez faire à coup sûr lors de votre prochaine visite à Puerto Vallarta est de profiter d’un coucher de soleil et d’admirer les superbes tons d’orange, de rose, de bleu et de violet dans le ciel. Le Malecón est un endroit idéal pour en profiter, que ce soit assis dans un restaurant, un bar ou lors d’un événement en plein air. Prolongez la soirée en profitant de la vie nocturne animée dans la grande variété de bars et de clubs avec tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour une escapade incroyable avec vos amis.

Passer simplement une journée à la plage de Puerto Vallarta. Puerto Vallarta est une destination balnéaire bien connu avec des eaux chaudes, une beauté naturelle exotique et des installations de premier ordre. Il existe une pléthore de plages à découvrir en compagnie d’amis : depuis des endroits cachés accessibles uniquement en bateau ou entourés de paysages magiques et d’une biodiversité extraordinaire. Profitez d’une journée entre amis sur les plages de Puerto Vallarta avec de la bonne musique et la brise de l’océan pour passer un beau moment ensemble, juste pour traîner.

Si vous prévoyez une escapade d’un week-end pour vous reposer ou faire la fête sans arrêt, Puerto Vallarta est l’endroit à visiter. La ville la plus conviviale du monde vous accueillera à bras ouverts, avec un temps idéal et des plages magnifiques auxquelles vous pourrez facilement accéder.

Lors de la planification de votre itinéraire, assurez-vous d’inclure des activités de plein air, des visites et des excursions dans toute la baie, des promenades en ville et des visites de plage cachées.

Puerto Vallarta a un nombre infini d’endroits pour être en contact avec la nature et profiter du paradis, comme Mismaloya, Colomitos, Las Animas, Quimixto pour n’en nommer que quelques uns.

Faites une pause dans la routine et planifiez une visite avec des professionnels spécialisés dans la création de moments éternels: de la plongée sous-marine au parc marin Los Arcos à Mismaloya, des journées à la plage à Las Animas ou Caballo Beach, une journée d’aventure en interaction avec les lions de mer ou ravir votre palais en regardant un spectacle en direct à Las Caletas. La liste se rallonge de plus en plus!

Ce ne sont là que quelques idées d’activités à faire entre amis à Puerto Vallarta, mais cette destination à bien d’autres options de choses à faire qui pourraient vous intéresser.

Puerto Vallarta Riviera Nayarit Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne YouTube pour plus d’informations sur les destinations et les activités.


Resouces en Français a Puerto Vallarta et Riviera Nayarit

Sur Facebook Puerto Vallarta groupe en Francais: https://www.facebook.com/groups/916232562072660

Nuevo Vallarta et Bucerias pour les Québécois et autres : 5,500 Membres francophones! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1195183207177263/?ref=share_group_link

Le Petit Québec de Puerto Vallarta 16,700 Membres francophones: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1598015357112408/?ref=share_group_link

Quebecois a Puerto Vallarta


Ressources Santé et Médicales Puerto Vallarta (Début des activités le 30 octobre 2023 mais le groupe est complété !) https://www.facebook.com/groups/1047731416268345/?ref=share_group_link

Web site: https://www.promovisionpv.com/

Nous fournissons des informations et des ressources aux visiteurs de Puerto Vallarta, des régions de la Riviera Nayarit et d’autres destinations dans les deux États de Jalisco et de Nayarit. Vous trouverez une variété de contenus, notamment des articles, des articles de blog, des vidéos, des photos, des descriptions et des interviews, tous conçus pour aider les visiteurs à planifier leur voyage, y compris les attractions, les restaurants et les événements. Puerto Vallarta en Français https://promovisionpv.com/francais/

Visitez et Enregistrez vous a notre canal Youtube pour plus de videos de Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos

Hotel Food Quality Certification “H” in Puerto Vallarta


Hotel Food Quality Certification in Puerto Vallarta with the Certification “H”
What is the “H” badge? Since 1990, the Ministry of Tourism (SECTUR) has promoted among the providers of tourist services of food and drinks, the generation of a culture of quality, hygiene and safety in the preparation of the products that are served
in hotels, restaurants and in general, any type of fixed food vending establishments to which National and international visitors can arrive. The Hygienic Food Management program arises from the need to respond to the fight against
food borne diseases (ETA’s). Program “H” is a strategy designed to improve the quality of tourist services in terms of hygiene of food. The “Distinctive H” is the recognition granted by the Ministry of Tourism, endorsed by the Ministry of Health, to
food and beverage service providers that meet the standards defined by this Program.

What does it verify and who can participate in obtaining the “H” badge?
The points that the establishment interested in the area of food and beverages must correct and implement of your business, they must be attached to the checklist of the current standard in this case the NMX-F-605-NORMEX-2004 Food Hygienic Handling in the Food Service Prepared for Obtaining the Distinctive H and that contemplates the points that are mentioned below:
 Food reception
 Storage
 Chemical handling
 Refrigeration and freezing
 Kitchen area
 Water and ice
 Health services for employees
 Garbage management
 Pest control
 Staff
 Bar

  1. Hiring of Consultant H: The establishment interested in implementing the process in its company, Select an H Consultant with a valid SECTUR credential.
  2. Diagnosis: Consultant H performs pre-audits in order to detect critical points, diagnose requirements and points of improvement and with this proceed to the implementation of the H Management System in the reception, storage, preparation and service areas of the company. The consultant conducts an audit based on the corresponding standard (NMX-F-605-NORMEX-2004 Food – Hygienic Management in the Food Service Prepared to Obtain the Distinctive H), to detect weaknesses and
    opportunities for improvement in the establishment, both in infrastructure and in operation, and thus develop the implementation of the Management System H.
  3. Training: The consultant trains operational personnel, middle and senior managers in the classroom and in the field with the Food Hygienic Management course, lasting 10 hours.
  4. Implementation: The consultant carries out the implementation of the process according to the Management System H based on the provisions of the current Mexican Standard NMX F 605-NORMEX 2004 and the list of check.
  5. Validation: The consultant validates that the establishment complies with what is necessary to request verification and obtain the corresponding certification.
  6. Verification: Finally, the Verification Units carry out the final verification visit. The establishment contracts the Verification Unit according to its needs, to date there are 9 Units of Verification accredited by EMA-SECTUR.
  7. Issuance of the Distinctive “H”: The Verification Unit notifies the result to the Ministry of Tourism, which issues the Distinctive

What are the benefits of implementing the Hygienic Food Management Program,
Distinctive “H” in your establishment?
For the entrepreneur:
a) Better food control
b) Reduction of losses
c) Development of staff discipline
d) Ensure compliance with standards
e) Better supplier control
f) Greater national competitiveness
g) Compliance with legal provisions For staff:
a) It means a challenge that you can achieve
b) Increases your self-esteem
c) Develop pride in a job well done
d) Understands why he does it and is committed
e) Develop individual values
f) Unifies organizational values

What are the benefits of implementing the Hygienic Food Management Program,
Distinctive “H” in your establishment?
For the client:
a) Increased confidence
b) Loyalty to the establishment
c) Hygiene is a component of customer satisfaction
d) Favorable evaluation by the client
e) Increases the probability that you want to return For our country:
a) Reduction of food borne illnesses
b) Building confidence in tourists
c) Increase in foreign exchange from tourism
d) Better image abroad
e) Greater international competitiveness

The Distinctive “H” is valid for one year and the establishment has the power to return to re-certify.
 At the end of the term, the establishment must remove from the client’s view the
Distinctive “H”.
 If any anomaly is reported by clients or registered instructors of the SECTUR, the Secretariat has the power to send a follow-up visit and depending on of the degree of affectation, remove the Distinctive

Hotels Certified in 2023









Original in Spanish.

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

Visit and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit videos: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos

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Lure more visitors to Puerto Vallarta


Tourism Marketing is a Visual Industry at its Core. Visit our web sites www.promovisionpv.com

Marketing and production matters more than ever before and how tourism can benefit from video & photography. Customers seamlessly migrating between Facebook, YouTube, Tweeter, Instagram, and Threads have all integrated video in their media. And then they will share it all.

The reason video & photos are so effective is because it allows to tell a story and communicate their value through words, sound and images. Video is easier for consumers to digest and also easy to implement across a wide variety of channels that customers love.Contents lets you be everywhere customers need you to be.

Marketing, Advertising Tourism, Restaurants, Real Estate, Events, Tours, Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit https://promovisionpv.com/marketing-advertising-tourism-restaurants-real-estate-events-tours-puerto-vallarta-riviera-nayarit-2/

Social Medias are becoming more and more important as customers use their smartphones, tablets, laptops. This is especially in tourism. Consider the power of video. Being a top-notch visceral cue for tourism customers.

Video storytelling translates easily across screens and mediums, allowing you to be everywhere at once … Good storytelling production allows you to be everywhere your customers expect you to be regardless of where they are. Storytelling is one of the most engaging mediums available to the tourism industry.

How do you can lure more visitors to the Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit? A glimpse the regions primary destination more unique attractions might do the trick. A PromovisionPV.com promotions targeting online users all over the world with its social media channels.

“Your Stories ‘Lift The Spirits’ and inspires visitors to connect with not only the attractions but also the people and intriguing stories behind them. Inviting viewers to fall in love with the regions and renewed happy visitors.

There is no better time to introduce a story telling campaign to inspire travelers..

Videos that inspire and impact an atmosphere and connect emotionally with tourists:

  1. Destination Highlights
    Create a short video of something happening in your destination, such as a special event or a tour of some of your most beautiful scenery.
  2. Behind the Scenes
    Customers LOVE to look behind the scenes of businesses or destinations, as it helps them feel more informed about the experience they may have when they visit. Tour into your kitchen, wine making facilities or other activities in your region.
  3. Interviews
    People connect with people and want to do business with people.
    What is their favorite thing to do in your region or why are th
    ey in business?
  4. Wildlife
    Cute wildlife are always a guaranteed winner in videos!
    Native animals, then try and capture footage of them in action!
    Keep your stories as short as possible!
    Websites which offer video convert 86% more than those which doesn’t. The video offers greater credibility, and holds the user on the site for a longer time (x4). Video marketing improves positioning and is useful for the purchase decision (90%). 80% of those same visitors watch the video that is offered.
    How can we help? Visit our web site www.promovisionpv.com e-mail: promovision@hotmail.com
    We provides information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit .
    You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events.

Marketing solutions: PromovisionPV can help businesses in Puerto Vallarta and the Riviera Nayarit reach a wider audience and attract more visitors.
We provide visitors with the best possible experience in Puerto Vallarta, the Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit .
It is a valuable resource for planning your trip, and help you make the most of your time in this amazing destination and it makes it easy to book your travel and activities.
PromovisionPV is a video production company based in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. We specialize in creating high-quality video content for a variety of clients, including real estate, businesses, and tourism organizations. PromovisionPV has a team of experienced videographers and editors who can create videos that are both visually stunning and informative. We also offer a variety of services, including videography, editing, and distribution.


We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

Visit and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit videos: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos

Magnificent Puerto Vallarta Sunsets Photos


Magnificent Puerto Vallarta Sunsets Travel Photos

"Every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn."
"The sun sets, but its light lingers."
"Every sunset is a chance to reset."
"Life is short, but sunsets are forever."
"Sunsets are the daily reminder to live in the moment."

Is there anything more mesmerizing than watching a glowing ball of fire descend into the horizon, the sky ablaze with brilliant pinks, oranges, and purple in its wake? Talk about beauty! The longer you can sit and behold the view of a sunset the better, perhaps with a cocktail or frozen drink in hand. It’s hard to put into words just how magical a sunset is.

Subscribe to our Youtube channel for more Mexico Travel Videos. www.youtube.com/promovision/videos
Visit our website www.promovisionpv.com

These quotes make great captions for the pretty sunset pics you post to Instagram (and for your sunrise posts, check out these good morning quotes). They are all short enough to easily write in a card for a friend or to add to a list inspirational quotes.

Reading these words might transport you to an evening vista in your memory, inspire you to wax philosophical about what sunsets can teach us about life and love, or send you off to daydream of technicolor skies. How can you not when John Steinbeck talks about how “a large drop of sun lingered on the horizon and then dripped over and was gone, and the sky was brilliant over the spot where it had gone”? Now for those sunset sayings!

While there are no words or even pictures that can capture the true beauty of watching a sunset in person, these quotes aim to eloquently describe just how beautiful and inspiring they can be. Whether you’re sitting on the beach, hiking in the mountains, or even relaxing in a rocking chair on your own front porch, watching a breathtaking sunset never gets old. Each day ends with a unique sunset that is unlike any that has come before or will come after.

These sunset quotes will make great captions for your next Instagram post that features the beautiful colors of the sky as it transitions from day to night. They’ll also inspire you to experience every sunset that you can. So whether you are looking for a short quote to use as a caption or a longer sunset quote for inspiration, you’re sure to find plenty of beautiful sunset quotes that you love on this list.

Subscribe to our Youtube channel for more Mexico Travel Videos. www.youtube.com/promovision/videos
Visit our website www.promovisionpv.com

Sunsets Quotes:

“May every sunrise hold more promise and every sunset hold more peace.” – Umair Siddiqui
“There’s always a sunrise and always a sunset and it’s up to you to choose to be there for it.” – Cheryl Strayed
“Never waste any amount of time doing anything important when there is a sunset outside that you should be sitting under.” – C. JoyBell C.
“There’s a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they’re absolutely free. Don’t miss so many of them.” – Jo Walton
“You want proof there’s a God? Look outside, watch a sunset.” – Frank E. Peretti
“I can count on my fingers the number of sunsets I have left, and I don’t want to miss any of them.” – Suzanne Collins
“Foam is white and waves are grey; Beyond the sunset leads my way.” – J.R.R. Tolkien
“Life does not come with instructions on how to live, but it does come with trees, sunsets, smiles and laughter, so enjoy your day.” – Debbie Shapiro
“That was her magic—she could still see the sunset, even on the darkest days.” – Atticus
“Whenever you want to see me, always look at the sunset; I will be there.” – Grace Ogot
“The strange thing about the sunset is that we actually don’t want the sun to set, we want it to stay right on the horizon, not below it, not above it, just right on it.” – Mehmet Murat Ildan

"Every sunset is an opportunity to reset." – Richie Norton
"Every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn." – Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Sunsets are proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully." – Kristen Butler
"Sunsets are proof that endings can often be beautiful too." – Beau Taplin
“It’s not just a sunset; it’s a moonrise too.” – P. C. Cast
"No sun outlasts its sunset but will rise again and bring the dawn." – Maya Angelou
"A sunset is the sun’s fiery kiss to the night." – Crystal Woods

“I never met a sunset I didn’t like.” – Unknown
“Sunsets are like God’s paintings in the sky.” – Unknown
“Softly the evening came with the sunset.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
“It is almost impossible to watch a sunset and not dream.” – Bern Williams
“Sunsets are just little glimpses of the golden streets of heaven.” – Unknown
“If I could lick the sunset, I’ll bet it would taste like Neapolitan ice cream.” – Jarod Kintz
“You know, one loves the sunset, when one is so sad.” – The Little Prince
“When the sun has set, no candle can replace it.” – George R. R. Martin
“It is almost impossible to watch a sunset and not dream.” – Bernard Williams

"Sunset is still my favorite color, and rainbow is second." – Mattie Stepanek
“The sunrise paints the sky with pinks and the sunset with peaches.” – Vera Nazarian
"The first stab of love is like a sunset, a blaze of color—oranges, pearly pinks, vibrant purples…" – Anna Godbersen
"The water was glassy and calm, still candy-colored in the afterglow of sunset." – Stephen King
“A sunset will color your dreams.” – Anthony Hincks 

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

Visit and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit videos: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos

Marketing, Advertising Tourism, Restaurants, Real Estate, Events, Tours, Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit https://promovisionpv.com/marketing-advertising-tourism-restaurants-real-estate-events-tours-puerto-vallarta-riviera-nayarit-2/

Contact us
More Links to:
PromovisionPV Main Page
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Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit Charities


PVAngels is about introducing the world to a safe, thriving, community-driven Puerto Vallarta, raising tons of support for its local charities and having a boatload of fun doing it. PVAngels: Community & Charity United https://pvangels.com/

The PVAngels’ website is a unique blend of community awareness through the posting of local news and events, formal introductions to the charities and their needs, online fundraising, social networking and giving back.

The dream of PVAngels is to create an atmosphere of pulling together in making our perfect little corner of the world a better – and better known – place.

PVAngels is a non-profit organization that was founded to connect the world with the Greater Banderas Bay area, raise awareness for locally engaged charities, and support their efforts. The organization does this through a variety of channels, including its website and social media.

PVAngels’ website is a comprehensive resource for information about charities in the Banderas Bay area. The site includes profiles of over 300 charities, as well as news articles, event listings, and fundraising opportunities. PVAngels also uses social media to promote its charities and connect people with volunteer opportunities.

PVAngels a great resource to help people find volunteer opportunities that match their interests and skills.

PVAngels is a valuable resource for people who want to learn more about the charities in the Banderas Bay area and get involved in making a difference. The organization’s website is a great way to connect with charities and learn about their work.

Here are some of the benefits of getting involved with PVAngels:

You can make a difference in the lives of people in the Banderas Bay area.
You can meet new people and build relationships.
You can learn about different cultures and perspectives.
You can have fun and make memories that will last a lifetime.

If you’re interested in getting involved with PVAngels, there are a few things you can do:

Visit the PVAngels website and learn more about the charities in the area.
Follow PVAngels on social media to stay up-to-date on events and news.
Volunteer with one of the charities that PVAngels supports.

Whether you’re an individual, group, company or corporation, PVAngels will inform, entertain and be of benefit to you, and we welcome you to become involved.

PVAngels: Community & Charity United https://pvangels.com/

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

All about Puerto Vallarta

Visit and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit 220+ videos: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos

YouTube videos Puerto Vallarta Riviera Nayarit

Promote Your Tourism Business, Restaurant, or Tour Puerto Vallarta on PromovisionPV.com


There are several ways to promote tourism on social media and with the use of online video.

Increased Reach: Using social media and video opens up a whole new frontier for promotion. Now you can reach a whole new market segment that is not accessible through image banners and text. Social media and online Video Marketing have revolutionized the way companies engage with their customers.

There are several ways a business can use social media and video online to its advantage. Video can be used to describe a product or service in detail, without any confusion. Video can be used to welcome viewers to websites and discuss company information. Online advertisements have also proven to be an effective way of driving traffic to websites and capturing a viewer’s attention.

Marketing, Advertising Tourism, Restaurants, Real Estate, Events, Tours, Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit https://promovisionpv.com/marketing-advertising-tourism-restaurants-real-estate-events-tours-puerto-vallarta-riviera-nayarit-2/

Social media and online video are quickly becoming one of the newest trends in media. In order to keep up with this fast paced trend and stay ahead of the competition, many businesses are deciding to use online video as part of their promotional strategies. Using this form of media can create several advantages for a business.

Online video creates a more personal interaction between a business and its customers. The use of both visual effects and sounds is an effective way of gaining a viewer’s attention. In today’s fast-paced world, it is much more efficient for someone to click on a video link than it is for them to read a page of text. People want fast and easy information, and web video allows them to have that.

Better Image: For a business, image is very important. A video will make you look good to your potential customers. Impress them by being up-to-date on technology.

Improved Credibility: When they see a personalized presenter on your site talking directly to them, they know that your site is for real. If you have the resources for video, it means you are successful.

Improved Clarity: An explanatory video on our website will do wonders in explaining your services to your potential customers. Most users are quick browsers and do not bother to read web pages. A video will attract their attention and quickly summarize your product before they lose their focus.

Competitive Advantage: Your competitors are already thinking of using video. The truth is that tourism businesses are scrambling to use video for online promotions and marketing. People will remember a video and its message long after they have forgotten an image or text.

The result is increased credibility and a better image.

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

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Puerto Vallarta Nightlife Entertainment


Welcome to Puerto Vallarta, where the sun-kissed beaches are just the beginning of an unforgettable vacation. As the sun sets, this vibrant coastal city transforms into a haven for night owls seeking excitement and entertainment. Get ready to dive into the pulsating heartbeat of Puerto Vallarta’s nightlife scene, where the possibilities are endless and the fun never stops.

From trendy beachfront lounges to lively dance floors filled with locals and tourists alike, Puerto Vallarta has something for everyone. So, grab your dancing shoes, sip on a refreshing cocktail, and prepare to be captivated by the electrifying energy that awaits you in Puerto Vallarta’s thriving nightlife.

Nestled on the Pacific coast of Mexico, Puerto Vallarta has gained a reputation for its vibrant nightlife that attracts visitors from around the world. The city’s unique blend of traditional Mexican culture and modern entertainment venues creates an ambiance that is unmatched.Puerto Vallarta offers a diverse range of options for nightlife enthusiasts, ensuring that every visitor can find their perfect spot to enjoy the evening.

Whether you’re strolling along the iconic Malecon, exploring the cobblestone streets of the Romantic Zone, or venturing into the Zona Hotelera, you will find an abundance of bars and clubs that cater to various tastes and preferences. From the moment the sun goes down, Puerto Vallarta comes alive with an infectious energy that sets the stage for an unforgettable night out.

The nightlife in Puerto Vallarta is renowned for its lively atmosphere and friendly locals. The warm and welcoming nature of the people here ensures that you’ll feel right at home as you explore the city’s vibrant nightlife scene. Whether you are a solo traveler, a couple on a romantic getaway, or a group of friends looking to let loose, Puerto Vallarta offers a diverse and inclusive nightlife experience.

The city embraces diversity and celebrates individuality, making it a popular destination for LGBTQ+ travelers who can enjoy the vibrant gay nightlife that Puerto Vallarta is famous for. The combination of stunning beach views, warm weather, and a welcoming atmosphere makes Puerto Vallarta an ideal destination for those seeking a memorable nightlife experience.

Puerto Vallarta’s vibrant nightlife scene is a testament to the city’s lively spirit and welcoming atmosphere. Whether you are looking for a high-energy club, a cozy bar, or a live music venue, Puerto Vallarta has it all. From dancing the night away to sipping cocktails on a beachfront terrace, this Mexican paradise offers something for everyone.

So, pack your dancing shoes, prepare for unforgettable experiences, and get ready to immerse yourself in the electrifying nightlife of Puerto Vallarta.

If you’re a music lover, Puerto Vallarta has plenty to offer in terms of live music venues. From intimate acoustic performances to high-energy concerts, there’s something for every taste.

Puerto Vallarta is home to an array of bars that cater to different tastes and moods. Whether you’re in the mood for a sophisticated cocktail lounge or a casual beachfront bar, you’ll find it all in this vibrant city. Puerto Vallarta has long been a popular destination for LGBTQ+ travelers, thanks to its vibrant and inclusive nightlife scene. The city is known for its welcoming and accepting atmosphere, making it a favorite among the LGBTQ+ community.

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

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Private Tour Guide Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco


I am Azael Saldana, Your Private tour Guide

I am a young tour guide located and borne in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. With all the requirements as a federal tour guide Certified by the Secretary of Tourism of Mexico under NOM-8. I am part of a team of certified tour guides that can take you at different destinations with departure from Puerto Vallarta.
We are a group of friendly and knowledgeable in all information and culture of Mexico for your enjoyment. I can take you to any points of interest locally or farther popular destinations like cities of: Tequila, Guadalajara, San Blas, Sayulita, San Pancho, Rincon de Guayabitos, Tuhuamixtle, El Nogalito Eco-Park and others.
You will travel in modern air conditioned mini van. You can find descriptions and videos right here on this site or on the YouTube channel https://youtube.com/promovision/videos

To Contact Azael: promovision@hotmail.com

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I am friendly, I am a Tour Guide that takes you to new experiences.


promovision@hotmail.com (private tour guide in the subject window)

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

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Lo de Marcos is a very small but charming town


Lo de Marcos is a very small but charming town with 1km of sand and food outlets on the beach with a natural beauty and abundant vegetation, all bathed by a calm sea that allows even fishing from the shore. Lo de Marcos in Riviera Nayarit, Mexico is approximately 32 miles (52km) from Puerto Vallarta airport. Known as a true Mexican town, Lo de Marcos has many fine sandy beaches ideal for swimming, surfing, snorkeling, and enjoying exceptional Pacific Ocean sunsets.

“It is a small paradise on Earth,” expresses one of the inhabitants of this corner of the Riviera Nayarit. Here, resort hotels and villas of the purest Mexican style will welcome you with open arms.

Lo de Marcos Mexico is a town with a remodeled gazebo in the downtown plus many small businesses and exceptional restaurants that serve up delicious homemade Mexican food and friendly service.

The beaches are extremely calm; when the waves break you can even see the fish,” shares a woman who for years has visited the area. For her, this is a tranquil refuge. Bungalows, villas, comfortable hotel rooms and a well-equipped RV park are the lodging options available at this inviting retreat on the Mexican Pacific coastline.

If you are looking for more luxurious resort accommodations, then book your holiday at the new One and Only Mandarina, just 6km from town.

Its beaches are surrounded by green hills and whimsical rocks that contrast beautifully with the intense blue sky and warm Pacific waters. Playa Lo de Marcos is one of Nayarit’s Top Beaches for Socially Distanced Vacations.

This idyllic scene is completed by visitors that carry out various activities such as beach volleyball, jet-skiing, jumping in the calm waves with children, or even fishing off the shore.

Savor some grilled fish in one of the thatched-roof huts found along the beaches here.
Walk along the peaceful streets and enjoy the delights of the sea and sand, in an ambiance of complete tranquility.

In Lo de Marcos, in addition to the traditional accommodation options, there is a wide range of Trailer Parks, which gives a peculiar touch to the urban movement and coexistence of visitors. It is very popular for winter vacationers with their recreational vehicles. The are very well equipped parks to accommodate them. Come discover Lo de Macos Nayarit. You can book your private tour guide to Lo de Marcos, follow the link on this site.

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

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Mexico Real Estate Buying Property in Mexico


Buying Property In Mexico: Step-By-Step Guide For Foreigners

The Property Purchase Process In Mexico

This is my 30th year in Mexico, and I’ve never seen real estate action like I’m seeing now.

And the number of people who’ve chosen to live or buy property in Mexico is unprecedented in my experience. I don’t know if it’s due to the pandemic, politics, or just an idea that’s catching on… but more people are taking action than ever before.

With so many people buying in Mexico, it’s time to take an updated look at some of the quirks and pitfalls of buying here.

Mexico is very familiar, compared to most foreign markets… and that can be a problem. That familiar feel can lull us into believing that we have the processes and protections that we enjoy in our home countries. And that’s not true.

I’ll divide this discussion into two parts. First, we’ll look at a few general areas to be aware of before buying in Mexico. Then we’ll look at the buying process, along with an idea of the costs involved.

Being Aware Of These Issues when buying in Mexico

Here are a few things you should know about buying in Mexico… ways in which Mexico is different from what you might expect.

1. Prime, Oceanfront Ejido Land… Why It’s Mexico’s Best Bargain

Without the issue of ejido land (pronounced eh-HEE-doh) there wouldn’t be anything exciting to talk about when it comes to buying Mexican real estate.

Ejido land is the source of almost all the stories you’ve heard about confiscation of property from foreigners in Mexico. Ejido land can be a terrific bargain, because after buying it, it’s not really yours.

Ejido land is communal agricultural land, which was granted to a community… often an indigenous community. Much of this land, while not worth that much at the time, is now prime, sought-after beachfront property.

In order to buy some of it, you would need the approval of 100% of the community members, separation of your parcel from the ejido, and conversion of that parcel to a freehold title. (And that’s over-simplified… simply identifying the community members and their descendants who should have a vote can be hard.)

Converting ejido land to private ownership is a complicated and difficult process… which is why so many have ignored doing it legally, resorting instead to bribing officials, falsifying records, or just hoping no one will say anything down the road.

There are, however, reputable legal firms in Mexico who specialize in converting ejido land into land that can be sold via a freehold title. If you feel you’ve got an irresistible opportunity to buy legally converted ejido land, I’d still personally recommend the following:

Verify that the property is recorded in the property registry as a freehold title before your purchase (don’t convert it concurrently with your purchase).
Have an independent, third-party attorney review the title’s history and assess the legality of the ejido land’s conversion to freehold title.
Purchase title insurance to guard against future legal claims, which may be valid or frivolous.

I personally think it’s best to avoid ejido land altogether.

2. No Restrictions On Foreign Ownership… Almost

Generally speaking, there are no restrictions on the ownership of residential property in Mexico, and you can hold the title in your own name. You can choose to hold it in a trust—for asset protection or estate planning purposes—but it’s not required.

If the property is near the coast or an international border however, special rules will apply. See the following paragraph.

3. Special Rules Apply When Buying Near The Coast Or Land Border

Mexico has a restricted zone—called the Zona Restringida—that occupies a band within 50 kilometers (31 miles) of the coast or 100 kilometers of an international land border. Since the early 20th century, non-citizens have not been able to hold property in their own name within this zone.

But in order to encourage foreign investment, the government created a workaround in 1973, formalized in its current version in 1993. In short, it authorized the use of a trust to purchase property within the restricted-zone. This trust is called a fideicomiso (fee-dey-com-EES-oh) and it’s similar to a Land Trust in the United States.

In U.S. trust parlance, you (the property buyer) are the Grantor of the trust, and also the Beneficiary… so you fully control the purchase, sale, and management of the property. A bank of your choosing acts as the Trustee.

At first, I resisted the idea of having to use a fideicomiso. I actually toyed with the idea of creating a corporation—with all its overhead and reporting requirements—just to get around it. But that was counterproductive.

Instead, I decided to appreciate the benefits of having my property in a trust. It gives me a level of asset protection, and more importantly, allows me to do estate planning—using beneficiaries and contingent beneficiaries—without having to probate a Mexican will or follow normal probate protocols.

Fideicomisos must be renewed after 50 years.

4. The Notary: Not Like The States, Canada or anywhere else.

The role of the notary in Mexico is different from their role in most of Latin America, Europe, or the United States. The notary is appointed by the state governor and must be an attorney with at least five years of experience.

As a buyer in Mexico, the notary is your representative in the process. He is not an impartial third party, and does not represent the seller. Consequently, there is usually no reason hire a second attorney to represent you in a straightforward property sale. The role of notaries in Mexico are most like the roles of escribanos in Uruguay and Argentina.

You may, however, need an additional attorney for a non-standard sale. For example, if you’re forming a corporation or starting a business concurrently with the purchase.

The notary will perform a title search, prepare all the paperwork, process the real estate transaction, record the new title with the municipality, and collect the taxes and fees.

Be sure to hire a notary who is fluent in English, unless you’re a fluent Spanish-speaker. He will serve as your translator, and explain what all those Spanish-language documents are saying.

Don’t have your real estate agent serve as your only translator at the notary office.

And don’t use a notary who does not speak your language.

5. Great! An English Sales Contract

The official language in Mexico is Spanish, and all official documents are in Spanish… including your sales contract and closing documents.

But for simplicity’s sake, most good realtors will give you an English version of the sales agreement. This is a great tool for making sure that you and the seller understand the terms of the deal, such as sales price, included items, or any special conditions or contingencies.

Keep in mind however, that when there’s a conflict between the English version and the Spanish documents that you signed, the Spanish (official) version will govern.

Make sure that any changes made by you and the seller on the English version make it through to the Spanish version at the end of negotiations. At your discretion, you can have some of the official documents translated by a third party.

The Purchase Process, Step By Step

Keep in mind that most of the processes described here will be done by the notary, working with your agent. All you really need to do yourself is sign the documents and write a check for the fees.

1. Make An Offer And Come To Terms On A Price

This is usually done verbally, either with the seller or through your real estate agent.

2. Sign The Sales Contract

This can be called a promesa de compraventa, convenio de compraventa, or contrato de compraventa, depending on local custom. Here is where you document the price and specify the terms and conditions of the sale, including any special payment arrangements and penalties for default.

3. Pay A Deposit

Normally, this will be 5% to 10% of the sales price.

4. Initiate Creation Of The Fideicomiso If The Property Is Within The Restricted Zone

Alternatively, you can transfer the previous owner’s fideicomiso into your name. This can save you time and money, but a transfer does not reset the 50-year clock… the fideicomiso will need to be renewed 50 years from the time it was originally created.

5. Obtain Permission To Complete The Purchase From The Foreign Secretary’s Office

You will be asked to sign a statement indicating that you will not seek foreign legal jurisdiction in dealings with your property transaction… in other words, Mexican property law will govern.

6. Conduct The Title Review And Get The Official Valuation (Called Avalúo)

Once again, the notary will perform or arrange these activities. The valuation will be used to establish the home’s value for tax purposes… so the age-old practice of underreporting the sales price will not work here.

7. Sign The Escritura

Sign the escritura at the notary office, and make the closing payment. When signed and recorded, this escritura will be your title to the property.

8. Pay Taxes, Collect Fees, And Initiate The Property Registration

All of this is done by the notary. You’ll just need to hand over the money.

9. Final Registration

Final registration in the property registry will be completed and recorded within three months.

10. Closing Costs

Closing costs should be about 5% of the purchase price. This includes a 1.5% notary fee, a 2% transfer tax, and a few other odds and ends, including the fideicomiso setup fees. This will be higher if you get a mortgage.

My closing costs came to 5.09% of the purchase price, which included the fideicomiso setup fees and two years’ advance payment of fideicomiso maintenance fees. My annual fideicomiso maintenance fee is MXN 4,820 for 2021, which is around US$240 at today’s exchange rates.

The Bottom Line When Buying In Mexico

Your experience buying property in Mexico will most likely be a good one. There are hundreds of excellent realty companies, and more genuinely-certified REALTOR® agents than I’ve seen anywhere in Latin America.

But there are also some fly-by-night operators and crooks. Most often, it’s a “guy who knows a guy” with a place for sale, or a tour operator, taxi driver, or rental agent who can’t resist the idea of a commission.

Make sure you buy from a reputable real estate company, who employs real agents, and follows the rules.
When in doubt, don’t hesitate to call a time-out and ask questions until you’re satisfied.
Don’t be afraid to clarify Spanish conversations you’re hearing, or terms that are new to you.

In the end, the enjoyment you’ll get from your new property in Mexico will be worth the effort.

You can contact me at: marc@mexicopacificlifestyle.com Web site: https://mexicopacificlifestyle.com

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

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Disclaimer: This information is not a legal process and can change at anytime and only a guide from the contributor.
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