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Atracciones Únicas en Puerto Vallarta


Además de sus incontables atractivos naturales, este destino turístico cuenta con estas atracciones que te encantarán.

Son tantos los atractivos de Puerto Vallarta, que para nombrarlos no sabemos por dónde empezar. Lo primero que se viene a la mente son todos los obsequios de la naturaleza que se conjugan en este lugar, empezando por sus paradisíacas playas situadas entre la Bahía de Banderas -una de las más grandes de América- y la Sierra Madre Occidental.

Esta combinación de mar y montaña produce múltiples paisajes llenos de color: el verde esmeralda de la selva, el azul turquesa de sus aguas, el dorado de la arena, todo coronado por impresionantes atardeceres que tiñen el cielo de malva, rojo, anaranjado, rosa, violeta y muchas otras tonalidades.

Pero sus atractivos no se reducen sólo a sus encantos naturales y ubicación geográfica privilegiada; la ciudad se ha ido desarrollando hasta contar con servicios e infraestructura turística del más alto nivel. Hoy en día, cuenta con una serie de atracciones que son únicas en México.

Museo Tilt Puerto Vallarta

Creado por la artista Tracy Lee Stum, este museo interactivo es una increíble experiencia artística en 3D que juega con tu visión del mundo. Tracy es una maestra del arte anamórfico en tercera dimensión que ha ganado numerosos premios y reconocimientos. Sus pinturas anamórficas en 3D están hechas para que el espectador interactúe con ellas, pasando a formar parte de la obra por unos momentos.

Además de su valor artístico, la visita al museo Tilt es una actividad sumamente divertida y puede ser acompañada con exquisita coctelería de autor preparada en su bar. Visítalo con una buena cámara fotográfica y de video, ya que está hecho justamente para captar imágenes increíbles y encantadoras.

Mirador de cristal Jorullo Point

Ubicado en lo alto de la Sierra Madre Occidental -dentro del área comprendida por la reconocida compañía de tours Canopy River-, el mirador Jorullo Point es el más alto de la región. Además de impresionantes vistas de la montaña, en un día despejado es posible ver la bahía de Puerto Vallarta a lo lejos.

La plataforma con piso de cristal se encuentra a 420 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Canopy River ofrece dos distintas experiencias dependiendo de lo que estés buscando; puedes acceder a ella caminando o en vehículo todo terreno. Una vez ahí, podrás ver todo lo que hay 360° a la redonda, incluido lo que se encuentra debajo. ¡Quedarás sin aliento!

Carrusel en TierraLuna Gardens

Al sur de Puerto Vallarta se encuentra TierraLuna Gardens, una área comercial al aire libre. Está conformada por siete boutiques, una joyería y galería de arte, un deli y un steakhouse gourmet situado en un entorno único entre la montaña y el mar.

Este lugar de ensueño alberga un jardín botánico y un espectacular carrusel fabricado en 2021 por una de las empresas de mayor tradición en San Francisco, California. Súbete a este mágico carrusel -único de su tipo en México- y sorpréndete con las espectaculares vistas de la Sierra Madre que se fusionan con el Océano Pacífico.

Como verás, Puerto Vallarta es mucho más que sol y mar. Sus encantos naturales, aunados a estas atracciones únicas, hacen de las vacaciones una experiencia extraordinaria que permanece por siempre en la memoria de sus visitantes.

Brindamos información y recursos para visitantes de Puerto Vallarta, áreas de la Riviera Nayarit y otros destinos en ambos estados de Jalisco y Nayarit. Encontrará una variedad de contenido, incluidos artículos, publicaciones de blogs, videos, fotografías, descripciones y entrevistas, todos los cuales están diseñados para ayudar a los visitantes a planificar su viaje, incluidas atracciones, restaurantes y eventos. https://promovisionpv.com/

Visita y suscríbete a nuestro canal de YouTube para ver más videos de Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit 220+: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos

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Marketing, Turismo Publicitario, Restaurantes, Bienes Raíces, Eventos, Tours, Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit https://promovisionpv.com/marketing-publicidad-turismo-restaurantes-real-estate-events-tours-puerto-vallarta-riviera-nayarit -2/

Unique Attractions in Puerto Vallarta


Unique Attractions in Puerto Vallarta that You Should See. In addition to its countless natural attractions, this tourist destination has these attractions that you will love.

There are so many attractions in Puerto Vallarta that we don’t know where to start to name them. The first thing that comes to mind are all the gifts of nature that come together in this place, starting with its paradisiac beaches located between Banderas Bay – one of the largest in America – and the Sierra Madre Occidental.

This combination of sea and mountains produces multiple landscapes full of color: the emerald green of the jungle, the turquoise blue of its waters, the gold of the sand, all crowned by impressive sunsets that dye the sky mauve, red, orange, pink , violet and many other shades.

But its attractions are not only reduced to its natural charms and privileged geographical location; The city has been developing until it has services and tourist infrastructure of the highest level. Today, it has a series of attractions that are unique in Mexico.

Tilt Museum Puerto Vallarta

Created by artist Tracy Lee Stum, this interactive museum is an incredible 3D art experience that plays with your view of the world. Tracy is a master of 3D anamorphic art who has won numerous awards and recognition. Her 3D anamorphic paintings are made so that the viewer can interact with them, becoming part of the work for a few moments.

In addition to its artistic value, a visit to the Tilt museum is an extremely fun activity and can be accompanied with exquisite signature cocktails prepared at its bar. Visit it with a good photo and video camera, since it is made precisely to capture incredible and charming images.
Jorullo Point Glass Viewpoint

Located at the top of the Sierra Madre Occidental – within the area covered by the renowned Canopy River tour company – the Jorullo Point viewpoint is the highest in the region. In addition to stunning mountain views, on a clear day it is possible to see Puerto Vallarta Bay in the distance.

The glass-floored platform is 420 meters above sea level. Canopy River offers two different experiences depending on what you are looking for; You can access it on foot or by all-terrain vehicle. Once there, you will be able to see everything around you 360°, including what is below. You will be breathless!

Carousel at Tierra Luna Gardens

South of Puerto Vallarta is TierraLuna Gardens, an open-air shopping area. It is made up of seven boutiques, a jewelry and art gallery, a deli and a gourmet steakhouse located in a unique environment between the mountains and the sea.

This dream place is home to a botanical garden and a spectacular carousel manufactured in 2021 by one of the most traditional companies in San Francisco, California. Get on this magical carousel – the only one of its kind in Mexico – and be surprised by the spectacular views of the Sierra Madre that merge with the Pacific Ocean.

PUERTO VALLARTA’S TOP ATTRACTIONS THINGS TO DO https://promovisionpv.com/puerto-vallartas-top-attractions-things-to-do/

As you will see, Puerto Vallarta is much more than sun and sea. Its natural charms, combined with these unique attractions, make vacations an extraordinary experience that remains forever in the memory of its visitors.

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

Visit and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit 220+ videos: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos

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Marketing, Advertising Tourism, Restaurants, Real Estate, Events, Tours, Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit https://promovisionpv.com/marketing-advertising-tourism-restaurants-real-estate-events-tours-puerto-vallarta-riviera-nayarit-2/

A savoir sur la vanille, Puerto Vallarta


Berceau de la vanille, le Mexique produit certaines des meilleures gousses de vanille au monde. Mais il existe souvent beaucoup de confusion à propos des extraits de vanille mexicaine. Les gousses de vanille cultivées dans le monde entier provenaient toutes du Mexique. Lorsque Cortés est venu conquérir le Mexique en 1519, il a envoyé des échantillons de l’orchidée vanille en Espagne, où ils se sont finalement répandus dans d’autres régions de culture du monde.

Toutes les gousses de vanille tirent leur qualité non pas de la région où elles sont cultivées, mais de leurs méthodes de culture, de récolte et d’affinage.

Inscrivez le calendrier des événements à votre calendrier pour le prochain festival Vanilla Cocalate au jardin botanique de Vallarta en janvier 2025.

Oui, il existe de subtiles différences de saveur entre les haricots de différentes régions. Mais comme pour le vin, distinguer ces différences et les décrire nécessite une palette très développée.

Il existe aujourd’hui de nombreux mots utilisés pour qualifier la « vanille » vendue dans les magasins du monde entier. MÉFIEZ-VOUS! Le produit bon marché en grande bouteille n’est pas du tout de la vanille. C’est une imitation de vanille avec des ingrédients inconnus.

Alors pourquoi tant de gens aiment l’extrait de vanille mexicaine et font tout leur possible pour l’acheter ? De toute évidence, il y a quelque chose de différent dans l’extrait de vanille mexicaine !

Pour comprendre pourquoi, nous devons examiner le prix de l’extrait de vanille ainsi que les normes américaines en matière de sécurité alimentaire et d’étiquetage.

Ce que beaucoup de gens ne savent pas, c’est que dans les pays où la vanille est cultivée, l’individu moyen n’a pas les moyens de l’acheter. Cela a été particulièrement vrai au cours des trois dernières années, alors que les prix des haricots ont battu des records.

Issues d’une orchidée, les gousses de vanille sont l’une des cultures les plus difficiles à cultiver au monde. Après la récolte, les haricots nécessitent un processus ardu et délicat de séchage au soleil de neuf mois pour être correctement séchés. La vanille ne se prête tout simplement pas à la mécanisation ou à d’autres méthodes de production de masse. Du début à la fin, les gousses de vanille sont produites à la main. Cette méthode n’est réalisable que dans les pays pauvres où les salaires sont bas. En conséquence, dans les pays où la vanille est cultivée, l’individu moyen ne peut tout simplement pas se permettre de dépenser de l’argent pour une bouteille d’extrait de vanille.

Si vous avez manqué les articles en Français de Puerto Vallarta. (Liste au 15 Fev. 2024) https://promovisionpv.com/si-vous-avez-manque-les-articles-en-francais-de-puerto-vallarta-liste-au-15-fev-2024/

L’extrait de vanille artificielle est abordable et constitue l’extrait de vanille principalement vendu dans les pays producteurs de gousses de vanille. C’est tout le paradoxe de la production artisanale de la vanille.

C’est pourquoi au Mexique, même si le pays produit des gousses très fines, les vanilles artificielles dominent le marché.

L’extrait de vanille pure a une saveur complexe, composée d’environ 300 composants aromatiques individuels travaillant tous ensemble pour créer sa riche saveur et son bouquet. La production d’un extrait de vanille pur de qualité supérieure commence toujours par les gousses. Vous ne pouvez pas produire des extraits de haute qualité avec des grains de qualité inférieure ! On le retrouve en plusieurs épaisseurs appelées pli : simple (1X) et double (2X) sont courants pour l’industrie de la boulangerie. Il existe même une résistance 60X disponible uniquement pour les utilisateurs industriels où un excès de liquide pose problème.

LES PRINCIPALES ATTRACTIONS DE PUERTO VALLARTA CHOSES À FAIRE https://promovisionpv.com/les-principales-attractions-de-puerto-vallarta-choses-a-faire/

L’extrait de vanille pure a une saveur complexe, composée d’environ 300 composants aromatiques individuels travaillant tous ensemble pour créer sa riche saveur et son bouquet. La production d’un extrait de vanille pur de qualité supérieure commence toujours par les gousses. Vous ne pouvez pas produire des extraits de haute qualité avec des grains de qualité inférieure ! On le retrouve en plusieurs épaisseurs appelées pli : simple (1X) et double (2X) sont courants pour l’industrie de la boulangerie. Il existe même une résistance 60X disponible uniquement pour les utilisateurs industriels où un excès de liquide pose problème.

La vanille mexicaine pure a une teneur en alcool d’au moins 35 % et une concentration naturelle de vanilline plus élevée. Il est donc mieux utilisé dans les articles qui nécessitent une chaleur élevée, comme les produits de boulangerie. Cela permet à une grande partie de l’alcool de brûler. La couleur est brun clair à cause des haricots séchés. Bien que chère, c’est la MEILLEURE vanille que vous puissiez acheter au Mexique.

La vanille mexicaine traditionnelle contient 10 % d’alcool (90 % d’eau) et moins de 1 % de vanilline naturelle. La vanilline aide à conserver la saveur. De plus, moins il y a d’alcool, la vanille est beaucoup plus polyvalente et peut être utilisée pour tout ce qui demande de la vanille, comme du pain perdu, des smoothies, des glaces maison, de la crème fouettée, des biscuits, des gâteaux, des flocons d’avoine, etc.

Tout sur Puerto Vallarta et Plus en Français https://promovisionpv.com/tout-sur-puerto-vallarta-et-plus-en-francais/

Certains extraits de vanille vendus au Mexique sont enrichis d’extrait de fève tonka, qui a un goût et un arôme similaires à ceux de la vanille, mais contient de la coumarine qui peut être toxique pour le foie et qui est interdite comme additif alimentaire par la Food & Drug Administration des États-Unis depuis la années 1950. La plupart des entreprises réputées évitent cet additif. D’autres pays ont des réglementations moins strictes.

La vanille mexicaine pure a une teneur en alcool d’au moins 35 % et une concentration naturelle de vanilline plus élevée. Il est donc mieux utilisé dans les articles qui nécessitent une chaleur élevée, comme les produits de boulangerie. Cela permet à une grande partie de l’alcool de brûler. La couleur est brun clair à cause des haricots séchés. Bien que chère, c’est la MEILLEURE vanille que vous puissiez acheter au Mexique.

Si vous avez manqué les articles en Français de Puerto Vallarta. (Liste au 15 Fev. 2024) https://promovisionpv.com/si-vous-avez-manque-les-articles-en-francais-de-puerto-vallarta-liste-au-15-fev-2024/

La vanille mexicaine traditionnelle contient 10 % d’alcool (90 % d’eau) et moins de 1 % de vanilline naturelle. La vanilline aide à conserver la saveur. De plus, moins il y a d’alcool, la vanille est beaucoup plus polyvalente et peut être utilisée pour tout ce qui demande de la vanille, comme du pain perdu, des smoothies, des glaces maison, de la crème fouettée, des biscuits, des gâteaux, des flocons d’avoine, etc.

Extrait artificiel de vanille Dans les années 1880, les premiers extraits synthétiques de vanille sont venus d’Allemagne, offrant une alternative moins chère à la vanille naturelle. Bientôt, on découvrit que la vanilline synthétique pouvait être fabriquée à partir des eaux usées du traitement de la pâte à papier et du goudron de houille. Le Mexique, l’Amérique centrale et les Caraïbes ont commencé à vendre des vanilles synthétiques bon marché dans l’espoir de tirer profit de la connexion du Mexique avec la vanille.

Nous fournissons des informations et des ressources aux visiteurs de Puerto Vallarta, des régions de la Riviera Nayarit et d’autres destinations dans les deux États de Jalisco et de Nayarit. Vous trouverez une variété de contenus, notamment des articles, des articles de blog, des vidéos, des photos, des descriptions et des interviews, tous conçus pour aider les visiteurs à planifier leur voyage, y compris les attractions, les restaurants et les événements. Puerto Vallarta en Français https://promovisionpv.com/francais/

Puerto Vallarta Francais

Visitez et Enregistrez vous a notre canal Youtube pour plus de videos de Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos

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Origin of Vanilla and Puerto Vallarta


The birthplace of vanilla, Mexico produces some of the world’s finest vanilla beans. But there is often a lot of confusion about Mexican vanilla extracts. Vanilla beans cultivated around the world originally all came from Mexico. When Cortés came to conquer Mexico in 1519, he sent samples of the vanilla orchid back to Spain where they eventually spread to other growing areas around the world

All vanilla beans derive their quality not from the region where they are grown, but from their methods of cultivation, harvest, and curing.

Put on your calendar schedule of events, for the next Vanilla Cocalate Festival at The Vallarta Botanical Garden in January 2025 https://www.vbgardens.org

Yes, there are subtle flavor differences in beans from different regions. But as with wine, distinguishing those differences, and describing them, requires a keenly developed palette.

There are numerous words used to label the “vanilla” sold in stores around the world today. BEWARE! The cheap product in the big bottle is not vanilla at all. It is imitation vanilla with unknown ingredients.

Vallarta Botanical Garden – orquidea de vainilla,,

So why do so many people love Mexican vanilla extract and indeed go out of their way to buy it? Clearly there’s something different about Mexican vanilla extract!

To understand why, we have to look at the price of vanilla extract, and U.S. food safety and labeling standards.

What many people don’t know is that in the countries where vanilla is grown, the average person cannot afford to buy it. This has been especially true in the last three years, as bean prices have broken records.

Grown from an orchid, vanilla beans are one of the world’s most difficult crops to cultivate. After harvest, the beans require an arduous and tricky nine-month process of sun drying to cure properly. Vanilla simply does not lend itself to mechanization or other methods of mass production. From start to finish, vanilla beans are produced by hand. This method is feasible only in poor countries where wages are low. As a result, in countries where vanilla is grown, the average person simply cannot afford to spend $$$ on a bottle of vanilla extract.

Artificial vanilla extract is affordable, and is the vanilla extract predominantly sold in countries that produce vanilla beans. This is the paradox of vanilla’s hand-crafted production.

That is why in Mexico, even though the country grows very fine beans, artificial vanillas dominate the market.

Pure Vanilla Extract has a complex flavor, comprised of approximately 300 individual flavor components all working together to create its rich flavor and bouquet. Producing premium pure vanilla extract always begins with the beans. You cannot produce high quality extracts with inferior quality beans! It can be found in several strengths called fold: single (1X) and double (2X) are common for the baking industry. There is even a 60X strength available only to industrial users where excessive liquid is a problem.

Pure Vanilla Extract has a complex flavor, comprised of approximately 300 individual flavor components all working together to create its rich flavor and bouquet. Producing premium pure vanilla extract always begins with the beans. You cannot produce high quality extracts with inferior quality beans! It can be found in several strengths called fold: single (1X) and double (2X) are common for the baking industry. There is even a 60X strength available only to industrial users where excessive liquid is a problem.

Pure Mexican Vanilla has at least a 35% alcohol content and higher natural vanillin concentration. It is therefore best utilized in those items which require high heat, such as baked goods. This allows much of the alcohol to burn off. The color is light brown from the cured beans. Although expensive, this is the BEST vanilla you can buy in Mexico.

Traditional Mexican Vanilla has 10% alcohol (90% water) and less than 1% of natural vanillin. The vanillin helps hold the flavor. Also the less alcohol makes the vanilla much more versatile and can be used for anything that calls for vanilla such as French toast, smoothies, homemade ice cream, whip cream, cookies, cakes, oatmeal, etc.

PUERTO VALLARTA’S TOP ATTRACTIONS THINGS TO DO https://promovisionpv.com/puerto-vallartas-top-attractions-things-to-do/

Some of the vanilla extracts sold in Mexico are stretched with tonka bean extract, which has a similar taste and aroma to vanilla but contains coumarin which can be toxic to the liver and is banned as a food additive by the US Food & Drug Administration since the 1950s. Most reputable companies avoid this additive. Other countries have less strict regulations.

Pure Mexican Vanilla has at least a 35% alcohol content and higher natural vanillin concentration. It is therefore best utilized in those items which require high heat, such as baked goods. This allows much of the alcohol to burn off. The color is light brown from the cured beans. Although expensive, this is the BEST vanilla you can buy in Mexico.

Traditional Mexican Vanilla has 10% alcohol (90% water) and less than 1% of natural vanillin. The vanillin helps hold the flavor. Also the less alcohol makes the vanilla much more versatile and can be used for anything that calls for vanilla such as French toast, smoothies, homemade ice cream, whip cream, cookies, cakes, oatmeal, etc.

Artificial Vanilla Extract In the 1880s the first synthetic vanilla extracts came from Germany, providing a cheaper alternative to natural vanilla. Soon it was discovered that synthetic vanillin could be made from the waste water of paper pulp and coal tar processing. Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean began selling cheap synthetic vanillas hoping to cash in on Mexico’s vanilla connection.

All About Puerto Vallarta https://promovisionpv.com/all-about-puerto-vallarta/

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

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Marketing, Advertising Tourism, Restaurants, Real Estate, Events, Tours, Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit https://promovisionpv.com/marketing-advertising-tourism-restaurants-real-estate-events-tours-puerto-vallarta-riviera-nayarit-2/

Guayabitos : La plus grande piscine naturelle


Rincón de Guayabitos, sur la Riviera Nayarit, est principalement fréquentée par les locaux en raison de son sable doux et doré, de ses eaux cristallines et de son climat tropical.

Rincon de Guayabitos pour Français, groupe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LeSoleildeNayarit

Guayabitos : La plus grande piscine naturelle, cette merveille naturelle fait partie de la baie de Jaltemba dans la commune de Compostelle, s’étendant sur environ deux kilomètres de longueur sur 30 mètres de largeur. On raconte que Guayabitos fut découvert par les Espagnols alors qu’ils cherchaient un point d’embarquement pour évangéliser la région des « Californies ».

Actuellement, à certaines périodes de l’année, la plage de Guayabitos accueille des événements spéciaux tels que des concerts, des festivals et des soirées à thème, comme le désormais célèbre VochoFest. (Septembre)

Que faire à Guayabitos?

Il existe diverses activités pour tous les âges et tous les niveaux d’expérience à Guayabitos. Connu pour ses vagues douces et constantes, Guayabitos est un endroit idéal pour le surf. Vous pouvez également faire une promenade en bateau autour de la baie, des croisières panoramiques aux promenades en bateau rapides pour les amateurs d’adrénaline.

Ici, vous pourrez observer les oiseaux, car il est situé sur une route migratoire pour les oiseaux marins. Vous pourrez admirer la beauté de ces espèces en vous promenant le long de la plage ou en vous relaxant dans le sable. En raison de sa longueur, les promenades sur la plage sont l’une des activités les plus courantes et les plus relaxantes. Vous pourrez vous promener le long de la côte en profitant du bruit des vagues et de la vue panoramique sur l’océan.


En plus des oiseaux, à certaines périodes de l’année, la plage de Guayabitos est visitée par des tortues marines qui viennent nicher. Vous aurez peut-être l’occasion d’assister à ce spectacle naturel et d’assister au processus de nidification des tortues. Pensez cependant à maintenir une distance respectueuse et à ne pas interférer avec leur habitat naturel.

Bien sûr, vous devriez profiter de la gastronomie exquise qu’offre la plage, avec divers restaurants servant des fruits de mer frais et des collations mexicaines. De même, si vous êtes amateur de vie nocturne, Guayabitos dispose de plusieurs options de bars et de clubs où vous pourrez vous amuser.

Un incontournable lors de votre visite à Rincón de Guayabitos est la spectaculaire île de Corail, située juste à côté de la baie, offrant aux visiteurs de belles eaux cristallines, des plages de sable blanc et des paysages magnifiques.

Là, vous pourrez pratiquer la plongée, le snorkeling et l’observation des oiseaux. En raison des rochers et des coraux, l’accès à cette île est un peu difficile, surtout pour les enfants et les personnes âgées, car il faut marcher quelques mètres à travers la mer, où se trouvent des coraux et des rochers, mais au final, le voyage en vaut la peine.

Coral Island a des zones restreintes pour la protection de la zone, car l’activité touristique a causé certains impacts sur l’île, de sorte que l’enlèvement du sable et des coraux est interdit sur toute l’île.

Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus et planifier votre voyage, vous pouvez visiter : https://www.isladelcoral.com.mx/

Rincón de Guayabitos est un délice de soleil et de sable, parfait pour une excursion en famille ou entre amis. Avec ses belles plages, son climat chaud et sa variété d’options de divertissement, c’est un endroit idéal pour se détendre et passer des vacances inoubliables.

Nous fournissons des informations et des ressources aux visiteurs de Puerto Vallarta, des régions de la Riviera Nayarit et d’autres destinations dans les deux États de Jalisco et de Nayarit. Vous trouverez une variété de contenus, notamment des articles, des articles de blog, des vidéos, des photos, des descriptions et des interviews, tous conçus pour aider les visiteurs à planifier leur voyage, y compris les attractions, les restaurants et les événements. Puerto Vallarta en Français https://promovisionpv.com/francais/

Puerto Vallarta Francais

Visitez et Enregistrez vous a notre canal Youtube pour plus de videos de Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos

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Congress of Les Clefs d’Or Puerto Vallarta


Puerto Vallarta will host the XXII Pan-American Congress of Les Clefs d’Or from August 19-23 at the Hilton Riviera Vallarta, with more than 220 hospitality professionals in attendance.

Mexico has great wealth with unparalleled destinations… the beauty of our beaches, a historical past with admirable archaeological sites and exceptional gastronomy, which frame our profession of Concierges, as promoters of tourism in each of the corners of our country.

The Association of Concierges of Mexico A.C. aims to nurture the professionalism of the service at each Concierge desk through a network of friendship and trust in all our members, willing to warmly transmit the best service to our visitors with a smile.

The Puerto Vallarta Congress is a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience among members of the prestigious Asociación de Concierges de México A.C., as well as a showcase for the natural and cultural attractions of Puerto Vallarta.

The theme of this year’s Les Clefs d’Or Congress is “Bringing your Soul to Tatei Haramara”, or returning to the roots. Concierges from various countries in North, Central and South America, Europe and Asia are invited to celebrate Wixárika culture and promote Puerto Vallarta natural attractions, hotel infrastructure and services.

Les Clefs d’Or is a nonprofit association based in Paris. It has more than 3,000 members in 80 countries.

More information (in Spanish) on the website of the Asociación de Concierges de México A.C. https://www.asociaciondeconciergesmexico.org/

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

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Rincón de Guayabitos natural swimming pool


Rincón de Guayabitos, in Riviera Nayarit, is mostly frequented by locals due to its soft, golden sand, crystal-clear waters, and tropical climate.

Guayabitos: The largest natural swimming pool, this natural wonder is part of Jaltemba Bay in the municipality of Compostela, spanning approximately two kilometers in length by 30 meters in width. It is said that Guayabitos was discovered by the Spanish when they were seeking a point to embark in order to evangelize the region of the ‘Californias’.

Currently, during certain times of the year, Guayabitos beach hosts special events such as concerts, festivals, and themed parties, such as the now famous VochoFest.

What to do in Guayabitos?

There are various activities for all ages and experience levels in Guayabitos. Known for its gentle and consistent waves, Guayabitos is an ideal place for surfing. You can also take a boat ride around the bay, from scenic cruises to fast boat rides for adrenaline lovers.

Here you can enjoy bird watching, as it is located on a migratory route for seabirds. You can admire the beauty of these species while walking along the beach or relaxing in the sand. Due to its length, beach walks are one of the most common and relaxing activities. You can walk along the coast, enjoying the sound of the waves and panoramic views of the ocean.

In addition to birds, at certain times of the year, Guayabitos beach is visited by sea turtles that come to nest. You may have the opportunity to witness this natural spectacle and witness the turtle nesting process. However, remember to maintain a respectful distance and not interfere with their natural habitat.

Of course, you should enjoy the exquisite gastronomy that the beach offers, with diverse restaurants serving fresh seafood and Mexican snacks. Likewise, if you are a nightlife lover, Guayabitos has several options in bars and clubs where you can have fun.

A must-see during your visit to Rincón de Guayabitos is the spectacular Coral Island, located just off the bay, offering visitors beautiful crystal-clear waters, white sandy beaches, and wonderful landscapes.

Visiting Rincón de Guayabitos https://promovisionpv.com/visiting-rincon-de-guayabitos/ #RincondeGuayabitos #RivieraNayarit #travelvideo #travelguide

There, you can practice diving, snorkeling, and bird watching. Due to the rocks and corals, access to this island is a bit challenging, especially for children and older people, as it requires walking a few meters through the sea, where there are corals and rocks, but in the end, the journey is worth it.

Coral Island has restricted areas for the protection of the area, as tourist activity has caused some impacts on the island, so the removal of sand and coral is prohibited throughout the island.

If you are interested in learning more and scheduling your trip, you can visit: https://www.isladelcoral.com.mx/

Rincón de Guayabitos is a delight of sun and sand, perfect for a family trip or with friends. With its beautiful beaches, warm climate, and a variety of entertainment options, it is an ideal place to relax and enjoy an unforgettable vacation.

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Health and wellness tourism Puerto Vallarta


Health tourism has become one of the main income-generating niches in some countries like Mexico, which represents sustainable and constant growth, this niche generated nearly 4 billion dollars. This number added to data issued by Patients Beyond Borders, which places the country in the top five destinations in the world, with more than one million foreign patients every year, many of them Hispanic from the states of California, Arizona and Texas.

Alternative Medecine Puerto Vallarta, Holistic Medecine, Yoga, Homeopathy, Acuponcture, Reflexology, Ayurveda, …. https://promovisionpv.com/alternative-medecine-puerto-vallarta-holistic-medecine-yoga-homeopathy-acuponcture-reflexology-ayurveda/

According to data from the Medical Tourism Association, 14 million people travel to other countries searching for medical care, generating between 50 and 70 billion dollars. The majority of people who do this are Americans looking to save money with quality alternatives with a better price other than those offered in their country.

Wellness tourism has had a global increase of 33% in the past couple of years, according to the Global Wellness Institute, China and India leading increasing rapidly but with the United States and Europe.

These tourists are also looking for an attractive destination, with health professionals who show reliability and warmth to have a pleasant recovery.

Medical Tourism in Puerto Vallarta, What you can expect! https://promovisionpv.com/medical-tourism-in-puerto-vallarta-what-you-can-expect/

Puerto Vallarta and Banderas Bay in the Banderas Bay region have most of these requirements: health professionals, an increasing number of hospitals and institutions providing high-quality services, the most beautiful beaches and a wide range of natural and cultural places to visit.

Why should I go to a Dentist in Puerto Vallarta? https://promovisionpv.com/why-should-i-go-to-a-dentist-in-puerto-vallarta/

Both of these destinations have a great chance to reactivate their economy, even though some efforts are going to have to be done to attract tourists whose purpose is to receive medical treatment, or relaxing treatments in a wellness center. Hotels, restaurants and other services may be used not only by the patient, but also by their companions besides the clinics and hospitals.

There’s a huge potential for Puerto Vallarta and Bahía de Banderas to become one of the main health and wellness destination in México.

Why retire to Puerto Vallarta? https://promovisionpv.com/why-retire-to-puerto-vallarta/

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

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Holiday home Investment Puerto Vallarta


Real estate specialists agree that the segments of housing, vacation home and hotels are the ones showing the greatest dynamism, the biggest surprise is, however, the vacation home (with value of between 2 and 4 million pesos), which means that people want to invest in their patrimony.

Mexico 3rd best place in the world for retirement in 2024 https://promovisionpv.com/mexico-3rd-best-place-in-the-world-for-retirement-in-2024/

How does the market look?

Look at this, a placement of 12,000 units is expected for the current year, this could generate an investment of more than 64,000 million pesos in tourist destinations such as Cancun, Los Cabos, San Miguel de Allende and, of course, the Puerto Vallarta and Bahía de Banderas regions. With a placement of 10,000 rooms that could generate an estimate of 48,075 million pesos, there are also good prospects for the hotel sector.

Buying vs Renting: Real Estate Options in Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit https://promovisionpv.com/buying-vs-renting-real-estate-options-in-puerto-vallarta-riviera-nayarit/

According to Softec, there is also a wide variety of investment options, lofts and studios for two or up to four people being the most attractive ones, because of their highest turnover for vacation rentals. In addition, even though the residential product has not fully recovered, growth expectations are positive.

Retirement in Mexico Puerto Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit https://promovisionpv.com/retirement-in-mexico-puerto-vallarta-and-riviera-nayarit/

Restaurants in Puerto Vallarta are positioned among the best 50 in Mexico. https://promovisionpv.com/restaurants-in-puerto-vallarta-are-positioned-among-the-best-50-in-mexico/

The challenges of the sector

Even though the figures are very pleasing, not everything is “picture perfect” for the real estate sector, due to the lack of government support for the creation of new projects and the low financing schemes for developers, the sector is also facing tough challenges, the most relevant ones being the increase in construction costs and inflation and volatility in the prices of the materials.

Because of this, it’s very clear to me that being able to develop and incorporate a real estate product into the market, within the appropriate costs, while also considering the economic changes that we are currently experiencing, is the greatest challenge.

We have an example of this “alignment” in Banderas Bay which has become sought after by investors, both Mexican and foreign, who are assured of their safe and profitable investments in this paradise with high occupancy rates which range from 62% to 78% on average in vacation rentals.

Real estate is being built in the residential segment focused on the vacation market from Puerto Vallarta to the coastal towns of Bucerías, Punta de Mita, Sayulita and, of course, the big tourist developments located in Riviera Nayarit, in Compostela, this means a unique opportunity for investors.

Do you want to know the options of the vacation home in Banderas Bay?

Buying real estate in Mexico: Guide for Puerto Vallarta https://promovisionpv.com/buying-real-estate-in-mexico-guide-for-puerto-vallarta/

Mexico Pacific Lifestyle Real Estate by Marc Murphy Buying Property in Mexico https://promovisionpv.com/mexico-pacific-lifestyle-real-estate-by-marc-murphy-buying-property-in-mexico/

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Alaska New Flight Puerto Vallarta – New York


Starting in January 2025, Alaska Air will offer a direct flight between Puerto Vallarta and New York. We must prepare to discover everything this Mexican beach has to offer New York and everything the great city of New York has to offer the people of Vallarta.

https://www.alaskaair.com https://www.alaskaair.com/planbook?

Puerto Vallarta Destination Airlines Access, Your Sunny Vacation Escape

One of the most significant benefits of this new direct flight is the convenience and reduction in travel time. Previously, travelers had to make layovers in other cities, which increased the duration of the trip and the possibility of inconveniences such as delays and missed connections. With a direct flight, passengers can now travel between Puerto Vallarta and New York in just a few hours, making both destinations more accessible and attractive.

Tourism is notably benefited by the introduction of this direct flight. Puerto Vallarta, with its beautiful beaches, rich culinary offerings, and vibrant nightlife, becomes an even more accessible destination for New Yorkers looking to escape the urban hustle and bustle. Similarly, New York, with its iconic architecture, renowned museums, and cultural diversity, opens up as a more accessible option for Vallarta residents who want to explore one of the most exciting cities in the world.

Airlines Arrivals schedule: https://www.puerto-vallarta-airport.com/arrivals.php
Airlines Arrivals schedule: https://www.flightradar24.com/data/airports/pvr/arrivals

From an economic perspective, the direct flight promotes commercial exchange between Puerto Vallarta and New York. Businesses in both cities now have the opportunity to explore new markets and establish closer commercial relationships. The direct connection facilitates the transport of goods and services, which can boost economic growth and create new job opportunities in both places.

Improved air connectivity can also attract international events to both cities. Conferences, conventions, and other large-scale events may consider Puerto Vallarta and New York as venues, knowing that accessibility for participants has significantly improved. This not only benefits the local economy but also positions both cities as prominent destinations on the global events map.

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

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