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Comment Profiter une Partie de Puerto Vallarta


La ville conviviale de Puerto Vallarta est une destination populaire au Mexique, pour ses superbes plages et sa nature luxuriante, offrant de nombreuses activités de plein air incroyables.

Il y a tellement de choses à faire à Puerto Vallarta que même en y vivant, on n’a pas le temps de tout faire.

Dans la zone romantique, vous avez la chance d’essayer différents restaurants et de visiter tous les meilleurs endroits, d’explorer les plus belles plages et de manger dans les meilleurs restaurants végétaliens de Puerto Vallarta.

La vieille ville de Puerto Vallarta se trouve à quelques pas de tout, y compris de la célèbre Playa de Muertos et du Malecon artistique de Puerto Vallarta.

Dans cet article et plus encore sur ce site Web, vous trouverez une longue liste de toutes les bonnes choses à faire à Puerto Vallarta.

Vous devez vous assurer de rester au moins une semaine pour pouvoir profiter de certaines des choses à faire dans la ville conviviale. Tu vas revenir pour en savoir plus.

Prenez le temps de faire certaines des choses les plus populaires à faire à Puerto Vallarta que vous ne pouvez pas manquer.

Le Babyboomer’s Band a Puerto Vallarta Fev 26 https://promovisionpv.com/le-babyboomers-band-a-puerto-vallarta-feb-26/

Prenez votre petit-déjeuner à Playa los Muertos, la plage la plus branchée de Puerto Vallarta bordée de charmants restaurants surplombant l’océan.

Marchez de la plage de Los Muertos jusqu’à Conchas Chinas, la magnifique plage déserte au nord de Puerto Vallarta. C’est une courte marche facile à travers de petites baies et des rochers.

Profitez de la bouffe de rue locale.

Promenez-vous dans la Zona Ramantica et ses boutiques et galeries d’art colorées

Regardez le coucher de soleil depuis le Malecon tout en profitant des magnifiques expositions d’art.

Puerto Vallarta est une grande ville bien que très accessible à pied dans et entre les quartiers. Voici les zones les plus populaires et les plus intéressantes

Conchas Chinas est un quartier huppé le long de la côte au sud de Puerto Vallarta, abritant de superbes condos offrant des vues spectaculaires sur l’océan. La plage populaire porte son nom.

La Zona Romantica – la zone située entre la rivière Cuale et l’extrémité de la plage – est la partie la plus animée de Puerto Vallarta avec ses galeries d’art et ses excellents restaurants. C’est là que se trouve la célèbre Playa de Muerto, ainsi que des condos de luxe et des hôtels-boutiques pittoresques.

Vieille ville, la partie ancienne de la ville, juste derrière le Malecon, avec ses maisons et hôtels coloniaux et ses routes pavées. Ici, vous trouverez également d’excellents restaurants et cafés

Zone hôtelière, au sud de la vieille ville, la zone hôtelière est la partie la plus commerciale avec des centres commerciaux, et où se trouvent les hôtels les plus anciens, mais aussi de belles plages

Marina de Puerto Vallarta, c’est une zone haut de gamme avec une marina de luxe où sont amarrés d’étonnants bateaux de luxe.

Il y a tellement de choses à faire à Puerto Vallarta qu’il est difficile de choisir si vous avez peu de temps.

Promenade sur le Malécon

Parmi les attractions de Puerto Vallarta, le Malecon est certainement la moins chère et la plus accessible. Marcher le long du Malecon est l’une des nombreuses activités gratuites à faire à Puerto Vallarta. Faites-le tôt le matin, lorsque le soleil ne frappe pas si fort et que vous pourrez profiter de la douce brise tout en rencontrant d’autres lève-tôt promenant leurs sympathiques chiens ou faisant du jogging.

Admirez la sculpture spectaculaire et unique de Sergio Bustamante, un artiste mexicain de renommée mondiale.

Regardez le coucher du soleil la nuit tout en savourant de délicieux plats de rue.

Randonnée au Mirador Cerro de la Cruz

Le coucher du soleil est encore meilleur, pour prendre l’une des photos les plus époustouflantes de toute la baie.

Profitez de la bouffe

Savourez la riche cuisine locale présentée sur les étals accueillants du Malecòn la nuit, en particulier les bâtonnets de crevettes et le Tejuino, une boisson locale.

Découvrez le marché artisanal

Promenez-vous dans le marché touristique de l’île de Cuale, découvrez des t-shirts amusants, de belles robes aux couleurs locales, des bijoux en ambre local, des peintures et des fabricants.

Marchez sur les ponts tournants

Profitez des ponts piétonniers en bois qui relient l’île de Cuale au reste de la ville et bien sûr, promenez-vous sur l’île de Cuale en direction du Malecon où vous trouverez des artistes étonnants vendant leurs œuvres.

Découvrez les galeries d’art

Parmi mes activités cool préférées à Puerto Vallarta, les galeries d’art ont certainement une place à part. Il y en a tellement, tous dispersés dans la Zona Romantica et dans le vieux Vallarta, présentant des œuvres incroyables d’artistes locaux. Je pourrais m’y perdre.

Visites artistiques gratuites

Faites une visite guidée gratuite de la sculpture d’art du Malecon. Ceci est disponible seulement en hiver, d’octobre à mai, la haute saison. Les sculptures d’art intéressantes sont faites par le célèbre artiste mexicain Sergio Bustamante. Si vous êtes à Guadalajara, vous pouvez aussi jeter un coup d’œil à son incroyable galerie. J’étais juste là et je pleurais presque devant une telle beauté.

Profitez de la plage

Profitez des belles plages le long de la baie de Bandera et au-delà.

Visites à pied gratuites parmi les points forts de la ville

Si vous vous demandez quoi faire à Puerto Vallarta d’intéressant et gratuit, les visites à pied gratuites sont une excellente idée pour commencer.

Ici, vous pourrez ressentir le véritable sentiment du centre-ville de Puerto Vallarta, son histoire et ce qui le rend si charmant. Comme j’écris cet article, l’horaire est tous les jeudis et mercredis à 9h ou à 12h et tous les samedis à 9h.

Heure de départ au bureau municipal devant le panneau coloré PUERTO VALLARTA sur le Malecon. Vous pouvez confirmer votre horaire à l’office du tourisme de Puerto Vallarta, sur la rue Hidalgo, près de l’église Notre-Dame de Guadalupe.

Explorez la ville voisine de Saint-Sébastien del Oeste

Niché dans les montagnes de la Sierra Madre à environ 90 minutes de route de Puerto Vallarta, Saint-Sébastien est l’un des Pueblos Magicos mexicains de l’État de Jalisco qui regorge de charme et de personnalité. Si vous voulez faire une pause après la plage et vous immerger dans l’histoire et la culture mexicaines, tout en profitant de l’air frais de la montagne, vous devriez visiter San Sebastian del Oeste.

Vous pouvez soit louer une voiture à Puerto Vallarta, soit simplement participer à l’une des visites guidées qui vous y emmèneront accompagné d’un guide local, ce qui est également une excellente option. En parcourant ses rues pavées, vous remarquerez à quel point son passé minier a été préservé presque intact depuis le XVIIIe siècle, à travers les magnifiques églises et fermes. On dirait que le temps s’est arrêté dans cette belle ville.

Visitez les villes voisines de Boca de Tomatlan et leurs plages

Découvrez Mismaloya et Boca de Tomatlan en autobus et leurs plages. Situées à seulement 30 minutes en autobus de Puerto Vallarta, ces plages touristiques mais charmantes constituent une excellente excursion d’une journée au départ de Puerto Vallarta. Certaines des plages les plus populaires sont Yelapa et Quimixto.

Visitez Yelapa

Yelapa est la plage la plus célèbre parmi celles près de Boca de Tomatlan. Mais je n’ai pas aimé ça et dans cet article, je vais vous expliquer pourquoi. Il existe des bateaux-taxis qui vous y emmènent soit depuis Boca le Tomatlan, soit directement depuis Puerto Vallarta.

Visitez Quimixto

Contrairement à Yelapa, Quimixto est une belle plage où vous pouvez vous détendre et prendre un délicieux repas après une promenade énergisante jusqu’à une cascade.

La meilleure façon de s’y rendre est de se rendre à Bocas le Tomatlan en autobus, puis de prendre un bateau-taxi pour vous y emmener. Vous pouvez fixer une heure pour que le taxi vienne vous chercher et vous ramène ou vous pouvez demander au resto sur la plage d’en appeler un pour vous.

Passez une journée aux jardins botaniques de Vallarta

Parmi les meilleures attractions à proximité de Puerto Vallarta, le jardin botanique est mon préféré. J’aime visiter le jardin botanique de chaque endroit où je vais là où il est disponible. Celui de Puerto Vallarta est l’un des plus beaux que j’aie vu. Ça vaut vraiment le détour. Et vous pouvez aussi prendre un délicieux dîner tout en observant les oiseaux et le magnifique paysage.

Faites une excursion en bateau vers les îles Marietas

Parmi les activités étonnantes de Puerto Vallarta, participer à une excursion en bateau est définitivement un incontournable. Il existe de nombreuses excursions disponibles pour faire de la plongée en apnée ou explorer les baies voisines. Surtout ce site unique appelé Isla Marietas, un parc naturel protégé avec une richesse de vie sous-marine et l’emblématique plage d’amour ! La visite coûte un peu plus cher que l’autre, mais ça vaut vraiment la peine.

Participez à une tournée de bouffe de rue

Parmi les meilleures choses à faire à Puerto Vallarta, essayer la cuisine locale est l’une de mes préférées. Les visites gastronomiques de Vallarta sont très populaires et diversifiées.

Des guides locaux vous amènent à découvrir les meilleurs vendeurs de bouffe de rue. Ça vaut vraiment la peine si vous êtes un amateur de cuisine comme moi et que vous n’êtes ni végétalien ni végétarien. (détail important)

La Street Food est très nombreuse et variée à Puerto Vallarta et autour de la baie de Banderas. https://promovisionpv.com/la-street-food-est-tres-nombreuse-et-variee-a-puerto-vallarta-et-autour-de-la-baie-de-banderas/

Plongée en apnée à Puerto Vallarta

Parmi toutes les activités possibles à Puerto Vallarta, la plongée en apnée est l’une des plus populaires. Vous avez plusieurs excursions en bateau différentes qui vous amènent au site de plongée en apnée le plus incroyable.

Si l’île de Marieta est trop loin ou dépasse un peu le budget, ou si vous voulez simplement vivre davantage d’aventures de plongée en apnée à Puerto Vallarta, voici quelques options :

Tyrolienne de Puerto Vallarta

Profitez de l’une des expériences de visite de la canopée les plus incroyables à Puerto Vallarta en survolant les montagnes de la Sierra Madre.

Vous observerez les incroyables paysages naturels de la magnifique Sierra Madre Occidentale, où vous ferez de la tyrolienne au-dessus de la végétation tropicale et sur les rives de la rivière « Nogalito ». Une expérience inoubliable si vous aimez l’aventure.

Plongée sous-marine à Puerto Vallarta

Si vous êtes un plongeur certifié, vous ne pouvez pas manquer cette incroyable opportunité de plonger dans les eaux de la baie de Banderas, avec une incroyable richesse de vie sous-marine à découvrir, des raies manta aux dauphins et bien d’autres espèces de poissons colorés de toutes tailles. Vous devriez au moins les vérifier une fois.

Profitez de nager avec les dauphins dans leur habitat naturel

Je ne fais jamais la promotion d’une rencontre avec des dauphins où les dauphins sont gardés en captivité. Mais cette tournée est différente. Organisés par une association qui promeut la conservation de ce bel et gracieux animal et de toute la faune autour de Puerto Vallarta, ils vous emmèneront sur un bateau en haute mer où les dauphins traînent habituellement en toute liberté. Donc pas de baiser de dauphin. Parce que les capitaines savent où ils sont, ils garantissent que vous les trouverez, et si vous ne le faites pas, vous serez remboursé !

Observation des baleines à Puerto Vallarta

Si vous voyagez à Puerto Vallarta pendant la bonne saison, c’est-à-dire de décembre à avril, et que vous séjournez dans l’un des hôtels de Puerto Vallarta sur la côte, vous pourrez peut-être apercevoir des baleines à bosse sauter hors de l’océan bleu à l’horizon.

Si vous voulez en être certain et souhaitez les voir de plus près, vous voudrez peut-être faire une des incroyables excursions d’observation des baleines à Puerto Vallarta. C’est l’une des expériences les plus fabuleuses. Vous le chérirez pour le reste de votre vie.

L’excursion d’observation des baleines à Puerto Vallarta organisée par Wildlife Connection (biologiste marin) est la même que celle qui organise les excursions avec les dauphins sauvages, et vous pouvez être sûr qu’elle se déroule dans le plus grand respect de l environnement, incluant les baleines.

Faites une excursion d’une journée à Sayulita

Vous ne pouvez pas manquer une visite dans cette jolie ville éclectique de Sayulita. Née comme la Mecque des surfeurs, Sayulita est aujourd’hui l’une des meilleures stations balnéaires du Mexique. Laissez-moi vous avertir que si vous y allez, vous voudrez peut-être passer quelques jours dans l’un des hôtels chics de Sayulita, et vous devriez le faire. En fait, si vous lisez cet article avant de réserver votre voyage, vous voudrez peut-être envisager de partager votre séjour entre Sayulita et Puerto Vallarta.

Il y a tellement de choses à faire à Sayulita, notamment visiter la ville voisine de San Pancho, Nayarit et les belles plages autour de la ville, même si vous n’êtes pas un surfeur.

LES PRINCIPALES ATTRACTIONS DE PUERTO VALLARTA CHOSES À FAIRE https://promovisionpv.com/les-principales-attractions-de-puerto-vallarta-choses-a-faire/

Nous fournissons des informations et des ressources aux visiteurs de Puerto Vallarta, des régions de la Riviera Nayarit et d’autres destinations dans les deux États de Jalisco et de Nayarit. Vous trouverez une variété de contenus, notamment des articles, des articles de blog, des vidéos, des photos, des descriptions et des interviews, tous conçus pour aider les visiteurs à planifier leur voyage, y compris les attractions, les restaurants et les événements. Puerto Vallarta en Français https://promovisionpv.com/francais/ 120+ pages.

Visitez et Enregistrez vous a notre canal Youtube pour plus de videos de Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos 220+ Videos


Puerto Vallarta Stands in Day of the Dead


The Mexican Pacific destination has positioned itself as one of the most emblematic places in Mexico to experience this celebration.

For some years now, Puerto Vallarta has been one of the most visited tourist destinations for the Day of the Dead festivities. According to information from the Federal Ministry of Tourism (SECTUR), it is the one that reached the highest hotel occupancy among Mexican beach destinations.

According to the agency, for lodging purposes from November 1 to 3, an influx of approximately 32,000 visitors is estimated, a hotel occupancy of 81.2% with a density per room of 2.27 occupants, who had an average expenditure per person of 29 thousand pesos throughout the weekend, generating an economic spillover of just over 900 million pesos (mdp) for the destination.

One of the great attractions of Puerto Vallarta during this celebration is the monumental catrina that has been set up on the city’s boardwalk since 2021, which in 2023 broke the Guinness Record for the tallest Day of the Dead Catrina in the world at over 28 meters high. This year, the colossal catrina and a pet that accompanies it will continue to be on display until November 17 to the delight of locals and visitors.

With this, Puerto Vallarta scores a great start to the season, projecting to continue with high occupancy throughout November, a month in which the calendar is full of great events such as the Vallarta Grill Festival autumn edition, the 29th International Gourmet Festival, the Puerto Vallarta Mexico by UTMB 2024 trail running series and the Rainbow Puerto Vallarta 2024 race.

In addition, during the Mexican Revolution bridge – November 16 to 18 – the 11th. Pacific Games Puerto Vallarta, the 68th Puerto Vallarta International Marlin and Tuna Fishing Tournament, the 19th National Botanical Gardens Day, the Vista Vallarta Golf Club 23rd Anniversary Tournament, the second Cruce Vallarta open water swimming competition, and the start of Puerto Vallarta International Fashion Week 2024.

“Thanks to its privileged geographic location and countless charms, the destination attracts more and more highly relevant events and visitors every day who seek to enrich their trips with unique experiences. This, coupled with a perennial vocation to continue innovating and surprising, has led us to establish ourselves as one of the main destinations in Mexico to celebrate the Day of the Dead.”

Puerto Vallarta stands as a destination that is much more than sun and beach; its tourist attractions are multiplied by the great cultural and entertainment offering that continues to grow day by day. Its infrastructure and favorable conditions that guarantee successful events continue to attract both organizers and the public who enjoy them.

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

Visit and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit 220+ videos: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos


Puerto Vallarta en Afluencia Día de Muertos


El destino del Pacífico mexicano se ha posicionado como uno de los lugares más emblemáticos de México para vivir esta celebración.

Desde hace algunos años, Puerto Vallarta es uno de los destinos turísticos más visitados con motivo de las festividades del Día de Muertos. De acuerdo a información de la Secretaría de Turismo federal (SECTUR), es el que alcanzó la mayor ocupación hotelera entre los destinos de playa mexicanos.

Según informó la dependencia, por concepto de hospedaje del 1 al 3 de noviembre se estima una afluencia de aproximadamente 32,000 visitantes, una ocupación hotelera de 81.2% con una densidad por habitación de 2.27 ocupantes, quienes tuvieron un gasto promedio por persona de 29 mil pesos a lo largo del fin de semana, generando una derrama económica de poco más de 900 millones de pesos (mdp) para el destino.

Uno de los grandes atractivos de Puerto Vallarta durante esta celebración es la catrina monumental que desde 2021 se monta en el malecón de la ciudad, la cual en 2023 rompió el Récord Guinness a la Catrina de Día de Muertos más alta del mundo con sus más de 28 metros de altura. Este año, la colosal catrina y una mascota que la acompaña seguirán exhibiéndose hasta el 17 de noviembre para beneplácito de locales y visitantes.

Con esto, Puerto Vallarta se anota un gran inicio de temporada, proyectando seguir con alta ocupación durante todo noviembre, mes en el que el calendario está lleno de grandes eventos como el Vallarta Grill Festival edición otoño, el 29 Festival Gourmet Internacional, el serial de trail running Puerto Vallarta México by UTMB 2024 y la carrera Rainbow Puerto Vallarta 2024.

Además, durante el puente de la Revolución Mexicana -16 al 18 de noviembre- se llevarán a cabo el 11vo. Pacific Games Puerto Vallarta, el 68 Torneo Internacional de Pesca Marlin y Atún Puerto Vallarta, el 19° Día Nacional de los Jardines Botánicos, el Torneo por el 23er. Aniversario del Club de Golf Vista Vallarta, la segunda competencia de natación en aguas abiertas Cruce Vallarta y dará inicio la Puerto Vallarta International Fashion Week 2024.

“Gracias a su ubicación geográfica privilegiada e innumerables encantos, el destino atrae cada día más eventos de gran relevancia y visitantes que buscan enriquecer sus viajes con experiencias únicas. Esto, aunado a una vocación perenne por seguir innovando y sorprendiendo, nos ha llevado a consolidarnos como uno de los principales destinos de México para celebrar el Día de Muertos”.

Puerto Vallarta se erige como un destino que es mucho más que sol y playa; sus atractivos turísticos se ven multiplicados con la gran oferta cultural y de entretenimiento que continúa creciendo día con día. Su infraestructura y condiciones favorables que garantizan eventos exitosos siguen atrayendo tanto a organizadores como al público que se regocija en ellos.

Brindamos información y recursos para visitantes de Puerto Vallarta, áreas de la Riviera Nayarit y otros destinos en ambos estados de Jalisco y Nayarit. Encontrará una variedad de contenido, incluidos artículos, publicaciones de blogs, videos, fotografías, descripciones y entrevistas, todos los cuales están diseñados para ayudar a los visitantes a planificar su viaje, incluidas atracciones, restaurantes y eventos. https://promovisionpv.com/espanol/

Visita y suscríbete a nuestro canal de YouTube para ver más videos de Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit 220+: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos


Marketing, Turismo Publicitario, Restaurantes, Bienes Raíces, Eventos, Tours, Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit https://promovisionpv.com/marketing-publicidad-turismo-restaurantes-real-estate-events-tours-puerto-vallarta-riviera-nayarit -2/

La Aventura Vuelve Puerto Vallarta UTMB 2024!


● Por tercer año consecutivo la costa del Pacífico mexicano alojará un evento del
máximo circuito mundial de trail running, UTMB World Series.
● Del 7 al 9 de noviembre sedarán cita algunos de los mejores corredores del mundo en Puerto Vallarta by UTMB.

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, 4 de noviembre de 2024– ¡El evento de trail running más
esperado del año regresa a la deslumbrante costa del Pacífico mexicano! Puerto Vallarta by UTMB, parte del prestigioso circuito UTMB World Series, celebrará su tercera edición del 7 al 9 de noviembre, reuniendo a los mejores corredores de México y del mundo. Con el lema “donde las montañas se encuentran con el océano a través de la selva”, este evento llevará a atletas y espectadores por una experiencia inolvidable en los escenarios naturales de Puerto Vallarta.

¡Una aventura única entre mar y montaña!

¡Imagina correr entre paisajes de ensueño! Puerto Vallarta by UTMB ofrece seis distancias llenas de adrenalina y cultura, todas inspiradas en la rica herencia Wixárika de México:

● Wixárika 100M–“Persona de corazón profundo”
● Hikuri 100K– “El hombre sabio”
● Nakawé50K–“Madreagua”
● Haramara33K–“Diosa del mar”
● Ereno20K–“Espumademar”
● PataSalada 10K– Es comoseidentifica a las personas de la costa.

Cada una de estas distancias desafiará a los corredores a través de senderos que
serpentean entre montañas majestuosas, selvas exuberantes y el brillante océano de fondo. ¡Una verdadera fiesta para los sentidos y el espíritu aventurero!

¡Puerto Vallarta by UTMB está listo para cerrar con broche de oro el calendario de UTMB World Series en América! Como una de las últimas, en las más de 50 carreras del prestigioso circuito UTMB World Series, este evento es uno de los lugares donde atletas élite se juegan su pase directo a las UTMB World Series Finals. Aquí, los primeros tres lugares tienen asegurado un lugar: Nakawé 50K a la OCC, Hikuri 100K a la CCC y Wixárika 100M a UTMB. Es una oportunidad imperdible para que los atletas consigan las preciadas Running Stones y participen en la lotería para el ansiado lugar en HOKA UTMB Mont-Blanc 2025.

¡Estrellas del trail se dan cita en el 50K femenil!
La categoría femenina de la Nakawé 50K será el epicentro de la emoción con corredoras como Sara Alonso (ESP, UTMB Index 780) y Allie McLaughlin (EE.UU., UTMB Index 773), junto a la mexicana Reyna Isela Rivera (UTMB Index 619). Reyna, emocionada por representar a México, expresó: “Correr en mi país junto a atletas de tan alto nivel es una experiencia motivadora. ¡Es un honor!”, mientras que la española Sara Alonso se muestra cautelosa y entusiasmada con su debut en este escenario: “Puerto Vallarta by UTMB representa una oportunidad para conocer México y conseguir mi billete para OCC 2025. Quiero salir a un ritmo controlado, asegurarme de llegar hasta el final, quiero seguir la rueda a Allie y si a mitad de carrera veo que estoy más fuerte, atacaré.” Alonso viene de un brillante cuarto lugar en HOKA UTMB Mont-Blanc OCC, lo que hace de su participación una de las más esperadas.

Junto a Reyna Isela, México cuenta con otras representantes en esta categoría: Ximena Rosillo (UTMB Index 282) y Sabrina White (UTMB Index 595), ambas con experiencia en retos extremos. Sabrina, quien ha participado en The Speed Project (TSP), una maratón de 578 kilómetros entre Los Ángeles y Las Vegas, y Ximena, quien viene de la Maratón de Chicago, esperan desafiar los senderos y la humedad de Puerto Vallarta.

En la categoría varonil se darán cita nombres tan relevantes del escenario nacional como: Juan Carlos Carera (UTMB Index 827), Roberto Vargas (UTMB Index 713), Damián Muñoz (UTMB Index 602), Diego Chávez (UTMB Index 511) y Eduardo Sámano (UTMB Index 509), ¡el reto está servido y la energía se siente en el aire!

¡La competencia de los experimentados en 33K y 20K!
Jeff Rosas, (MEX, UTMB Index 791), quien competirá en la Haramara 33K, se muestra entusiasmado de recibir a los corredores internacionales: “Espero que, como en años anteriores, queden fascinados con la biodiversidad de México y quieran regresar. Puerto Vallarta by UTMB abre las puertas para que corredores internacionales conozcan la calidad de nuestras rutas y el nivel de nuestros corredores, algo que pone a México en el mapa para más eventos de trail running.””.

Por su parte, la mexicana Nayeli De la Torre (UTMB Index 667), después de dos
participaciones en 50K, en esta ocasión correrá la distancia Haramara 33K en la que
planea darlo todo desde el arranque, “es un orgullo que vengan corredores que admiramos y poder compartir con ellos un poco de lo bonito que hay en México” expresó además, el legendario “Rey de las Montañas”, Ricardo Mejía (UTMB Index 649), a sus 61 años, inspirará a nuevas generaciones en la Ereno 20K. “Ya no corro para ganar, pero sigo corriendo con la misma pasión de siempre, amo correr en los senderos”, afirmó Mejía, quien es un ícono en el trail running mexicano. Acompañando a Ricardo Mejía estará Carmen Ramiro, la segunda corredora mexicana con el UTMB Index más alto, quien está lista para enfrentar los senderos de la Ereno 20K y demostrar de qué está hecha. Carmen promete legalarnos un espectáculo de resistencia y fuerza representando con orgullo a México.

¡La presencia internacional está que arde!

En la mítica Wixárika 100M, corredores de talla mundial como Drew Mueller (EE. UU., UTMB Index 766) y Alyssa Clark (EE. UU., UTMB Index 704) encenderán los senderos con su insaciable sed de triunfo. En la Hikuri 100K, el carisma y la potencia de Paddy O’Leary (IRL), Paddy O’Leary (IRL, UTMB Index 799), Julián Vinasco Marin (COL, UTMB Index 786) y Jason Schlarb (EE. UU., UTMB Index 783) prometen una competencia electrizante. En la categoría femenina de 100K, Arden Young (CAN, UTMB Index 710) llega como favorita, mientras que Sandra Yagüe (ESP, UTMB Index 607) va en busca de su primer podio. David Jeker (CAN, UTMB Index 770) y Nicolás Palacios (CHL, UTMB Index 781) también se perfilan como figuras a seguir en esta categoría, trayendo toda su fuerza y pasión al terreno mexicano, Palacios llega tras ser el primer chileno en cruzar la línea de meta en la OCC del HOKAUTMB®Mont-Blanc y busca tener una destacada posición en suelo latinoamericano. En las rutas más cortas, Yeni Paolo Morales Pulido (UTMB Index 613) y Jhoan Sebastian Rivera Alape (UTMB Index 781) se lanzarán con toda su energía en la Haramara 33K, y Paula Nazal Labrin (CHL, UTMB Index 606) y Ashley Brasovan (EE. UU., UTMB Index 734)
harán lo propio en la Ereno 20K.

Este espectacular elenco de estrellas internacionales hará vibrar cada paso en una
experiencia única de adrenalina, naturaleza y cultura en la costa del Pacífico mexicano.

¡Puerto Vallarta by UTMB 2024: mucho más que una carrera!

Puerto Vallarta by UTMB 2024 no solo es una competencia de élite, es también una
celebración de la cultura, la biodiversidad y el espíritu de México. Con sus seis distancias inspiradas en el legado Wixárika, este evento une naturaleza, deporte y cultura en un solo lugar, creando una experiencia que trasciende lo deportivo. ¡Es la oportunidad perfecta para vivir una aventura épica, conocer increíbles paisajes y compartir momentos inolvidables con corredores de talla mundial!

Más información: utmb.world/es.
Contacto de prensa:
Liz Borja.
Freeman Comunicación.
+52 55 1798 3131

Brindamos información y recursos para visitantes de Puerto Vallarta, áreas de la Riviera Nayarit y otros destinos en ambos estados de Jalisco y Nayarit. Encontrará una variedad de contenido, incluidos artículos, publicaciones de blogs, videos, fotografías, descripciones y entrevistas, todos los cuales están diseñados para ayudar a los visitantes a planificar su viaje, incluidas atracciones, restaurantes y eventos. https://promovisionpv.com/espanol/

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How to Enjoy Some of Puerto Vallarta


The friendly city of Puerto Vallarta is a popular destination in Mexico, for its stunning beaches, and thriving nature, offering many incredible outdoor activities.

There are so many things to do in Puerto Vallarta that even when living there you do not have time to do everything.

In Romantic Zone you have a chance to try different restaurants and visit all the best places, explore the best beaches, and eat in the best vegan restaurants in Puerto Vallarta.

Puerto Vallarta old town is within walking distance of everything, including the famous Playa de Muertos and the artsy Malecon Puerto Vallarta.

In this article and more in this web site, you will find a long list of all the great things to do in Puerto Vallarta.

You must make sure you stay at least one week to be able to enjoy some of the things to do in the friendly city. You will be coming back for some more.

Take the time to do some of the most popular things to do in Puerto Vallarta that you cannot miss.

Have breakfast in Playa los Muertos, the trendiest beach in Puerto Vallarta lined with lovely restaurants overlooking the ocean.

Walk from Los Muertos beach to Conchas Chinas, the beautiful deserted beach north of Puerto Vallarta. It is an easy short walk through small bays and boulders.

Enjoy the local street food.

Take a stroll around the Zona Ramantica and its colorful shops and art galleries

Watch the sunset from the Malecon while enjoying the beautiful art expositions.

Puerto Vallarta is a big city although very much walkable within and between neighborhoods. Here are the most popular and interesting Zones

Conchas Chinas is an upscale neighborhood along the coast south of Puerto Vallarta, home to amazing condos with spectacular views over the ocean. The popular beach is named after it.

Zona Romantica – the area between the Cuale river and the end of the beach – is the livelier part of Puerto Vallarta with art galleries, and great restaurants. That’s where the popular Playa de Muerto is located, together with a luxury condos and quaint boutique hotels.

Old Town, the old part of the city, right behind the Malecon, with colonial homes and hotels and cobblestone roads. Here you will also find great restaurants and cafes.

Hotel Zone, South of the old town, the hotel zone is the more commercial part with malls, and where the oldest hotels are located, but also nice beaches.

Puerto Vallarta Marina, this is an upscale area with a luxury marina where amazing luxury boats are docked.

There are so many things to do in Puerto Vallarta that it’s difficult to choose if you have limited time.

Walk on the Malecòn

Among the Puerto Vallarta attractions, the Malecon is definitely the cheapest and the most accessible. Walking along the Malecon is one of the many free things to do in Puerto Vallarta. Do it early morning when the sun is not hitting so strong and you can enjoy the gentle breeze while meeting other early raisers walking their friendly dogs or jogging.

Admire the spectacular and unique Sculpture by Sergio Bustamante a worldly renowned Mexican artist.

Watch the sunset at night while trying some delicious street food.

Hike to the Mirador Cerro de la Cruz

Sunset is even better, to take one of the most stunning pictures of the entire bay.

Enjoy the food

Enjoy the rich local food displayed on the inviting stalls of the Malecòn at night, especially the shrimp sticks and the Tejuino, a local drink.

Check out the artisan market

Walk around the tourist market on the Cuale island, check out funny T-shirts, beautiful local colored dresses, local amber jewelry, paintings, and manufacturers.

Walk on the swinging bridges

Enjoy the swinging wood pedestrian bridges connecting the Cuale island with the rest of the city and of course take a walk-in Cuale Island towards the Malecon where you will find amazing artists selling their work.

Check out the art galleries

Among my favorite cool things to do in Puerto Vallarta, Art Galleries have certainly a special place. There are so many, all scattered around the Zona Romantica and in the old Vallarta showcasing incredible works from local artists. I could get lost in them.

Art Walk Resume October 30th Puerto Vallarta https://promovisionpv.com/art-walk-resume-october-30th-puerto-vallarta/

Free art walking tours

Take a free walking tour of the art sculpture on the Malecon. This is available only in winter, from October through May, the high season. The interesting art sculptures are made by the famous Mexican artist Sergio Bustamante. If you happen to be in Guadalajara you can also check out his amazing gallery. I was just there and I was almost crying before such beauty.

Enjoy the beach

Enjoy the beautiful beaches located all along Bandera Bay and beyond it.

Free walking tours among the highlights of the city

If you are wondering what to do in Puerto Vallarta that is interesting and free, the free walking tours are a great idea to start.

Here you can get the real feeling of downtown Puerto Vallarta, its history, and what makes it so charming. At the time I am writing this post the schedule is every Thursday and Wednesday at 9 am or at 12 am and every Saturday at 9. The tours in the mornings are different from the ones in the afternoon.

Departure time in the municipal office in front of the PUERTO VALLARTA colored sign on the Malecon. You can confirm your schedule at the Puerto Vallarta Tourist office in Calle Hidalgo, closed to the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Explore the nearby San Sebastian del Oeste

Nestled in the Sierra Madre mountains at about 90 minutes drive from Puerto Vallarta, San Sebastian is one of the Mexican Pueblos Magicos in the state of Jalisco state is full of charm and personality. If you want to take a break from the beach and immerse yourself in Mexican history and culture, enjoying some fresh air from the mountain, you should visit San Sebastian del Oeste.

You could either rent a car in Puerto Vallarta or just join one of the guide tours that will take you there accompanied by a local guide, which is also a great option. Walking around its cobblestone roads you will notice how its mining past has been preserved almost intact since the 18th century, through the magnificent churches and farms. It seems that time had stopped in this pretty town.

Visit the nearby towns of Boca de Tomatlan and their beaches.

Check out Mismaloya and Boca de Tomatlan by bus and their beaches. Situated at only 30 minutes bus drive from Puerto Vallarta, these touristy but lovely beaches make a great day trip from Puerto Vallarta on your own. Some of the most popular beaches are Yelapa and Quimixto.

Visit Yelapa

Yelapa is the most famous beach among the ones close to Boca de Tomatlan. I didn’t like it though and in this post, I will tell you why. There are water taxis that take you there either from Boca the Tomatlan or from Puerto Vallarta directly.

Visit Quimixto

Differently from Yelapa, Quimixto is a nice beach where you can relax and have a delicious meal after an energizing walk up to a waterfall.

The best way to get there is to get to Bocas the Tomatlan by bus and then get a water taxi to take you. You can set up a time for the taxi to come and get you and take you back or you can ask the restaurant on the beach to call one for you.

Spend a day in the Vallarta Botanical Gardens

Among the best attractions nearby Puerto Vallarta, the Botanical Garden is my favorite. I love to visit the botanical garden of every place I go where it’s available. The one in Puerto Vallarta is one of the most beautiful I have seen. It’s totally worth a visit. And you can also have a lovely lunch while watching the birds and the beautiful landscape.

Take a boat tour to the Islas Marietas

Among the amazing activities in Puerto Vallarta, joining a boat tour is definitely a must. There are so many tours available for snorkeling or exploring the nearby bays. Especially this unique site called Isla Marietas, a protected natural park with a wealth of underwater life and the iconic love beach! The tour is a bit more pricy than the other but totally worth it.

Join a street food tour

Among the best things to do in Puerto Vallarta, testing the local food is one of my favorites. Vallarta food tours are quite popular and diverse.

Street Food is very numerous and varied in Puerto Vallarta and around the Bay of Banderas. https://promovisionpv.com/street-food-is-very-numerous-and-varied-in-puerto-vallarta-and-around-the-bay-of-banderas/

Local guides take you to check out the best street food vendors. It is totally worth it if you are a food lover like me and you are not vegan or vegetarian. (important detail)

Vegetarian Restaurants in Puerto Vallarta https://promovisionpv.com/vegetarian-restaurants-in-puerto-vallarta/

Puerto Vallarta Snorkeling

Among all the possible activities in Puerto Vallarta snorkeling is one of the most popular. You have many different boat tours that take you to the most incredible snorkeling site.

If Marieta Island is too far or a little over the budget, or if you just want to have more snorkeling adventures in Puerto Vallarta, here are some options:

Puerto Vallarta Zip line

Enjoy one of the most incredible Canopy tour experiences in Puerto Vallarta flying over the Sierra Madre mountains.

You will observe the incredible natural landscapes of the beautiful Sierra Madre Occidental, where you will be ziplining over the tropical vegetation and over the banks of the “Nogalito” river. An unforgettable experience if you love adventure.

Scuba diving Puerto Vallarta

If you are a certified diver you cannot miss this amazing opportunity to dive in the waters of Banderas Bay, with such an incredible wealth of underwater life to discover, from Manta rays, o dolphins, and many other kinds of colorful fishes of all sizes. You should at least check them out once.

Enjoy swimming with dolphins in their natural habitat

I never promote a dolphin encounter where dolphins are kept in captivity. But this tour is different. Organized by an association that promotes the conservation of this beautiful and graceful animal and all the wildlife around Puerto Vallarta, they will take you on a boat out in the deep sea where the dolphins usually hang out in total freedom. So no dolphin kissing. Because the captains know where they are, they guarantee you will find them, and if you do not, you will have your money back!

Whale watching in Puerto Vallarta

If you travel to Puerto Vallarta in the right season, which is from December through April, and you are staying in one of the Puerto Vallarta hotels right on the coast you may be able to spot humpback whales jumping out of the blue ocean on the horizon.

If you want to be sure and you wish to see them closer you may want to join one of the amazing whale watching tours in Puerto Vallarta. It is one of the most fabulous experiences. You will treasure that for the rest of your life.

The whale watching tour in Puerto Vallarta organized by Wildlife Connection (marine biologist) the same that organize the wild dolphin tours, and you can be sure it is done in the utmost respect of the environment, whales included.

Take a day trip to Sayulita

You cannot miss a visit to this pretty eclectic town of Sayulita. Born as a mecca for surfers, Sayulita is nowadays one of the top beach resorts in Mexico. Let me warn you if you go you may want to spend a couple of days in one of the stylish hotels in Sayulita, and you should. Actually, if you are reading this post before booking your trip, you may want to consider splitting your stay between Sayulita and Puerto Vallarta.

There are so many things to do in Sayulita, including visiting the nearby town of San Pancho, Nayarit, and the beautiful beaches around the town, even if you are not a surfer.

San Pancho

PUERTO VALLARTA’S TOP ATTRACTIONS THINGS TO DO https://promovisionpv.com/puerto-vallartas-top-attractions-things-to-do/

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

Visit and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit 220+ videos: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos


Marketing, Advertising Tourism, Restaurants, Real Estate, Events, Tours, Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit https://promovisionpv.com/marketing-advertising-tourism-restaurants-real-estate-events-tours-puerto-vallarta-riviera-nayarit-2/

Wildlife and Ecology in Mexico


Mexico is among the world’s most bio-diverse nations, with nearly 1,000 species of birds, and 1,500 species of mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Scientists estimate that almost 15% of Mexico’s plants and animal wildlife are found nowhere else on Earth, while over 70% of all known species of flora and fauna can be found in Mexico.

The total National Park land in Mexico is almost equal in size to Belgium and the Netherlands. These are conservation areas, protected by law from being developed or built-on. Some are areas of natural beauty and others are places where rare animals live or breed.

Protecting Endangered Species

Human activities and changes made to the natural environment have threatened some of Mexico’s rarer species, almost to the point of extinction. This is partly due to hunting and partly to the destruction of the species’ habitat (or sometimes because of chemical pollution).

The monarch butterfly is one of the endangered species. During winter, the butterflies migrate from the United States and Canada, flying as much as 3,000 miles to reach the warmer temperatures of Mexico.

In the states of Mexico and Michoacán, the Oyamel trees where the Monarch butterflies like to hibernate, were being cut down to make way for development. However, in recent years the butterflies have been protected by preserving the trees and forest habitat.

Dolphins were another species in danger. The number of dolphins around the coast of Mexico fell because a lot were accidentally being caught in the nets of tuna fisherman. Tuna fishing is an important industry in coastal areas. Nowadays, the fishermen have changed their methods, so that whilst they continue to fish for tuna, the dolphins are safe.

There are ten species of marine turtle which inhabit or visit the Pacific, Gulf, and Caribbean coastlines of Mexico to lay their eggs. Taking the eggs or selling them is a serious offense, so there are special protection areas on some beaches, where baby turtles are helped to survive.

When the turtles lay their eggs, they are brought by expert staff from open beaches to the special fenced “camps” to protect them from predators. Once hatched, they are released on the open beach. By instinct the turtles walk toward the sea, watched every step of the way by the camp staff. If they were not watched, many turtles would be eaten by predators even before they reached the sea.

In the Pacific, the grey whale chooses the coasts of Baja California to mate and give birth to its offspring. The whales migrate each year from the cold waters of Canada and the United States to the Ojo de Liebre lagoon where people can witness their mating rituals. The area has now been named a whale sanctuary. Mexico bans whaling in its waters, even though it has no tradition of whale hunting.

Mexico has also declared the coral reef in the Caribbean Sea a protected area. The Gama Reef (Gran Arrecife Maya) is part of the Yucatán Peninsula off the cost of Cozumel, an island to the south of Cancún.

This huge reef is the second largest in the world, and contains rare sea life such as black coral. The reef is studied for the diversity of its life and is important in protecting the coast from erosion. It is also a breeding ground for as many as 200 varieties of tropical fish.

The Sian Ka’an is an area made up of sea, tropical forests, flood jungles, marshlands, mangroves, lagoons, shallow ocean areas and a coral reef. It is famous for its 62 cenotes or natural wells. Some of the most endangered mammals in America such as the tapir and manatee live here, as well as wild cats such as jaguars, pumas, ocelots and jaguarundis.

There are also spider monkeys, white-tailed deer and 300 species of birds such as the stork, white ibis, the almost extinct jabiru, toucans and the Yucatán parrot.

Reptiles like crocodiles and sea turtles also inhabit the area.

Mexico’s wildlife varies according to the natural region. Here is a selection of wildlife that can be found in each region:

Rainforest: wild cats such as the ocelot, jaguar and jaguarundi; other mammals such as the spider monkey, armadillo, tapir and vampire bat; birds including eagles, toucans, parrots, humming-birds, and the famous and rare Quetzal.

You can also find reptiles such as crocodiles that live in rivers and lagoons, and many varieties of snake; and, of course, a large variety of spiders and insects (including the leaf-cutter ant and the praying mantis).

Temperate zones (where the animals have adapted to a long dry season with only summer rains): mammals such as the skunk, armadillo, and coyote; reptiles like the iguana, tortoise and axolotl; birds such as the Mexican falcon, the Chachalaca, the Zenzontle (mocking bird) and various hummingbirds.

Woodlands: mammals such as the racoon, the cacomixtle, squirrel, puma, brown bear, opossum, deer; and owls.

Dry areas of the north: Here, the animals have adapted to the extreme heat and shortage of vegetation. Scorpions, rattlesnakes (13 of the 15 American species live in Mexico) and kangaroo rats inhibit this area.

Some Animals Special to Mexico

The coatimundi (also called “coati”) is like a racoon, but it has a long, slender tail and a long, upturned snout. The coatis often travel in groups of ten or more, sometimes with their tails stuck straight up in the air.

The jaguarundi belongs to the cat family, but it looks more like a large weasel and, unlike most cats, enjoys swimming.

The jaguar is the largest of all the North American cats. It is strong and fierce, and was worshiped as a god by ancient cultures in Mexico.

The ocelot is a sleek, spotted cat, weighing twenty-five to thirty-five pounds.

The cacomixtle (also called “ringtail”) is known for its long, bushy tail, ringed by black and white stripes. It is about the size of a cat and leaps through the trees like a squirrel.

From the original: https://embamex.sre.gob.mx/reinounido/images/stories/PDF/Meet_Mexico/4_meetmexico-wildlifeandecology.pdf

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

Visit and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit 220+ videos: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos


Marketing, Advertising Tourism, Restaurants, Real Estate, Events, Tours, Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit https://promovisionpv.com/marketing-advertising-tourism-restaurants-real-estate-events-tours-puerto-vallarta-riviera-nayarit-2/

Puerto Vallarta filled with Events in November


The month begins with a full schedule of important events, from culinary and sports to pet friendly.

With the arrival of the pleasant autumn weather, events multiply in Puerto Vallarta, offering visitors not only its natural and cultural attractions, but a wide variety of entertainment options that make their stay a unique and memorable experience.

Just on the weekend of November 8 to 10, the destination will host important events, starting with the great monumental catrina that will be displayed on the Puerto Vallarta boardwalk from early to mid-November, so a trip on these dates is an unmissable opportunity to admire it in all its splendor.

This year the celebration has a pet friendly theme in honor of the animals that accompany our lives, so the catrina is complemented with a pet and giant pan de muerto, in keeping with the large proportions of the character created by José Guadalupe Posada. In addition, Puerto Vallarta will be graced by many other events.

29th International Gourmet Festival

A must for lovers of good cuisine is the International Gourmet Festival, the most traditional gastronomic event in Puerto Vallarta, which this year will take place from November 7 to 17. For ten consecutive days, the festival will bring together 70 of the most prestigious chefs from Mexico and the world to share their recipes and culinary creations with the public in the most select hotels and restaurants in the city.

Check out the full program here: FGI2024 Program https://festivalgourmet.com.mx/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/PROGRAMA-29-FESTIVAL-GOURMET-INTERNACIONAL-2024-5.pdf

Vallarta Grill Festival Fall Edition 2024

On Sunday, November 10th starting at noon, the grills will be red hot at the Puerto Vallarta International Convention Center. This festival brings together the best grillers in the region in one place to offer an unparalleled culinary experience and compete for the best grill in the city. In addition, the event is enlivened with live music all day, surprises and a children’s play area.

Online ticket sales at Vallarta Grill Festival; children enter free. https://festivalespvr.com/

Puerto Vallarta Mexico by UTMB® 2024

For the third consecutive year, Puerto Vallarta will become the official host of the most emblematic trail running series in the world: the Ultra Trail Mont-Blanc UTMB® World Series, which from November 7 to 9 brings together great athletes of this sport worldwide. From 10K to 147K, participants can choose one of the 6 distances through the Sierra Madre Occidental and the rainforest to finish in front of the Pacific Ocean.

More information and registration in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico by UTMB® 2024 https://puerto-vallarta.utmb.world/es

Copa Vallarta
From November 6 to 10, the destination will be filled with soccer with the 44th Copa Vallarta, a children’s and youth tournament with great tradition. The event takes place in different fields of the city, where approximately 300 matches are held with teams from 12 states of the country and abroad. The awards ceremony and closing ceremony of the event will be on November 10 at 1:00 p.m. at the Puerto Vallarta International Convention Center.

For more information, visit Copa Vallarta on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/copavallartasoccer/?locale=es_LA

XVII Playa Los Muertos Fishing Tournament
This traditional Dorado sport fishing competition will be held on November 9th at the iconic Playa Los Muertos pier, which also serves as the starting point for participating boats. In this edition, the tournament will award $300,000 pesos to first place, $100,000 pesos to second place, and $50,000 pesos to third place. Registration will be held the day before at the Deportes Gutiérrez Rizo store.

For more information, visit Torneo de Pesca Playa Los Muertos on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/torneodepescalosmuertos

Rainbow Race Puerto Vallarta 2024
The most diverse recreational race returns to Puerto Vallarta. Its second edition will be held on Sunday, November 10th starting at 8:00 am with the start and finish line on the esplanade of the Agustín Flores Contreras sports unit. The competition is open to all people over 18 years of age to run, jog or walk in distances of 2K and 5K. The categories are: female free, male free and non-binary free.

More information and registration at Carrera Rainbow https://carrerarainbow.com/2024/

Kukur Tihar Puerto Vallarta 2024
Kukur Tihar is a ceremony of Nepalese origin that pays tribute to our beloved animals, choosing the dog as its ambassador on earth. In Puerto Vallarta it will be held on November 9 from 3:00 to 9:00 pm in the large garden of the Puerto de Luna hotel, where attendees will be able to enjoy a few hours of great connection with their beloved pets. Admission is public and free; pets must wear a collar, leash and identification tag, in addition to not being in heat.

More information on Facebook at Kukur Tihar PV https://www.facebook.com/kukurtiharpv

In addition, that same weekend a cabaret festival and workshop begins at the Act2PV theater, as well as the ARTE event – a tour of the galleries of the Romantic Zone – and the Farmer’s Market on the Cuale River Island, the one in the Lázaro Cárdenas plaza and on Thursday nights the Art & Market Marina Vallarta, making the Puerto Vallarta events schedule even more attractive and varied, which enriches the experience of its visitors. https://visitapuertovallarta.com.mx/eventos

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

Visit and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit 220+ videos: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos


Marketing, Advertising Tourism, Restaurants, Real Estate, Events, Tours, Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit https://promovisionpv.com/marketing-advertising-tourism-restaurants-real-estate-events-tours-puerto-vallarta-riviera-nayarit-2/

Puerto Vallarta Eventos en Noviembre


El mes inicia con una nutrida cartelera de importantes eventos, desde culinarios y deportivos hasta pet friendly.

Con la llegada del agradable clima otoñal, los eventos se multiplican en Puerto Vallarta, ofreciendo a los visitantes no solo sus atractivos naturales y culturales, sino una gran variedad de opciones de entretenimiento que hacen de su estancia una experiencia única y memorable.

Tan sólo el fin de semana del 8 al 10 de noviembre, el destino será sede de importantes acontecimientos, comenzando por la gran catrina monumental que estará exhibiéndose en el malecón de Puerto Vallarta desde inicios hasta mediados de noviembre, por lo que un viaje en estas fechas es una oportunidad imperdible de admirarla en todo su esplendor.

Este año la celebración tiene temática pet friendly en honor a los animales que acompañan nuestras vidas, por lo que la catrina está complementada con una mascota y panes de muerto gigantes, acordes a las grandes proporciones del personaje creado por José Guadalupe Posada. Además, Puerto Vallarta será engalanado por muchos otros eventos.

29° Festival Gourmet Internacional

Una cita obligada para los amantes de la buena cocina es el Festival Gourmet Internacional, el evento gastronómico de mayor tradición en Puerto Vallarta, que este año se llevará a cabo del 7 al 17 de noviembre. Durante diez días consecutivos, el festival reunirá a 70 de los más prestigiosos chefs de México y el mundo para compartir con el público sus recetas y creaciones culinarias en los hoteles y restaurantes más selectos de la ciudad.

Consulta aquí el programa completo: Programa FGI2024 https://festivalgourmet.com.mx/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/PROGRAMA-29-FESTIVAL-GOURMET-INTERNACIONAL-2024-5.pdf

Vallarta Grill Festival Edición Otoño 2024

El domingo 10 de noviembre a partir del mediodía, las parrillas se pondrán al rojo vivo en el Centro Internacional de Convenciones de Puerto Vallarta. Este festival reúne a los mejores parrilleros de la región en un solo lugar para ofrecer una experiencia culinaria inigualable y competir por el mejor grill de la ciudad. Además, el evento es amenizado con música en vivo todo el día, sorpresas y una zona de juegos para niños.

Venta de boletos en línea en Vallarta Grill Festival; niños entran gratis. https://festivalespvr.com/

Puerto Vallarta México by UTMB® 2024

Por tercer año consecutivo, Puerto Vallarta se convertirá en sede oficial del serial de trail running más emblemático del mundo: el Ultra Trail Mont-Blanc UTMB® World Series, que del 7 al 9 de noviembre reúne a grandes atletas de este deporte a nivel mundial. Desde 10K hasta 147K, los participantes pueden elegir una de las 6 distancias a través de la Sierra Madre Occidental y la selva tropical para finalizar frente al Océano Pacífico.

Más información y registro en Puerto Vallarta, México by UTMB® 2024 https://puerto-vallarta.utmb.world/es

Copa Vallarta
Del 6 al 10 noviembre, el destino se llena de futbol con la 44ta. Copa Vallarta, un torneo infantil y juvenil de gran tradición. El evento se lleva a cabo en distintas canchas de la ciudad, donde se celebran aproximadamente 300 partidos con equipos procedentes de 12 estados del país y del extranjero. La premiación y clausura del evento será el 10 de noviembre a las 13:00 horas en el Centro Internacional de Convenciones de Puerto Vallarta.

Para mayores informes visita en facebook Copa Vallarta https://www.facebook.com/copavallartasoccer/?locale=es_LA

XVII Torneo de Pesca Playa Los Muertos

Esta tradicional competencia de pesca deportiva de Dorado se realizará el 9 de noviembre con sede en el icónico muelle de Playa Los Muertos, mismo que también funge como punto de partida de las embarcaciones participantes. En esta edición, el torneo premiará con $300,000 pesos al primer lugar, $100,000 pesos al segundo lugar y $50,000 pesos al tercer lugar. Las inscripciones serán el día previo en la tienda Deportes Gutiérrez Rizo.

Para más información visita en facebook Torneo de Pesca Playa Los Muertos https://www.facebook.com/torneodepescalosmuertos

Carrera Rainbow Puerto Vallarta 2024
La carrera recreativa más diversa regresa a Puerto Vallarta. Su segunda edición se realizará el domingo 10 de noviembre a partir de las 8:00 am con línea de salida y meta en la explanada de la unidad deportiva Agustín Flores Contreras. La competencia está abierta a todas las personas mayores de 18 años para correr, trotar o caminar en distancias de 2K y 5K. Las categorías son: femenil libre, varonil libre y no binaria libre.

Mayores informes e inscripciones en Carrera Rainbow https://carrerarainbow.com/2024/

Kukur Tihar Puerto Vallarta 2024
Kukur Tihar es una ceremonia de origen nepalí que rinde tributo a nuestros queridos animales, eligiendo al perro como su embajador en la tierra. En Puerto Vallarta se celebrará el 9 de noviembre de 3:00 a 9:00 pm en el gran jardín del hotel Puerto de Luna, donde los asistentes podrán disfrutar de unas horas de gran conexión con sus queridas mascotas. La entrada es pública y gratuita; las mascotas deben portar collar, correa y placa de identificación, además de no estar en celo.

Más información a través de Facebook en Kukur Tihar PV https://www.facebook.com/kukurtiharpv

Además, ese mismo fin de semana inicia un festival y taller de cabaret en el teatro Act2PV, así como el evento ARTE -un recorrido por las galerías de la Zona Romántica- y el Farmer’s Market de la Isla del Río Cuale, el de la plaza Lázaro Cárdenas y los jueves por la noche el Art & Market Marina Vallarta, haciendo aún más atractiva y variada la cartelera de eventos de Puerto Vallarta, misma que enriquece la experiencia de sus visitantes. https://promovisionpv.com/

Brindamos información y recursos para visitantes de Puerto Vallarta, áreas de la Riviera Nayarit y otros destinos en ambos estados de Jalisco y Nayarit. Encontrará una variedad de contenido, incluidos artículos, publicaciones de blogs, videos, fotografías, descripciones y entrevistas, todos los cuales están diseñados para ayudar a los visitantes a planificar su viaje, incluidas atracciones, restaurantes y eventos. https://promovisionpv.com/espanol/

Visita y suscríbete a nuestro canal de YouTube para ver más videos de Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit 220+: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos


Marketing, Advertising Tourism, Restaurants, Real Estate, Events, Tours, Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit https://promovisionpv.com/marketing-advertising-tourism-restaurants-real-estate-events-tours-puerto-vallarta-riviera-nayarit-2/

A Guide to Riviera Nayarit Beaches


Sandy beaches dot Mexico’s Pacific coast, sparkling like jewels washed up from the turquoise sea. Laying out on the soft Nayarit Mexico beaches or trying different water sports in the sea is the perfect way to spend an afternoon on vacation. Each of the Riviera Nayarit beaches has its own distinct personality and vibe depending on its location and the fall of the waves. Some of the best beaches in Riviera Nayarit are famed surf breaks while others are smooth and tranquil spots for kids to swim. As you explore each of these Nayarit destinations, take time to soak up the views and to sample the local seafood.

Nuevo Nayarit Beach

Nuevo Vallarta is one of the most popular Nayarit destinations, attracting thousands of visitors every year to come and play on the wide beaches. The Nuevo Nayarit beach is one of the best beaches in Riviera Nayarit because it is so spacious. Stake out your own spot, and you will have plenty of room for building sandcastles and throwing a Frisbee. Many of the top resorts are located along this long stretch of coastline, making it easy to access. If you are staying along the beach, you can easily head back to your room for a break from the sun or head to one of the delicious dining options for authentic Mexican food.


The surfing village of Sayulita has some of the best beaches in Riviera Nayarit for water sports. Board rentals and surf class are incredibly popular with the gentle waves crashing against the shore, but kayaking and paddle boarding are also great options. As you explore the boutique shops and local restaurants along the brightly-painted cobblestone streets, it is easy to see why Sayulita is one of the most charming Nayarit destinations. It is also home to a Nayarit hidden beach. Most visitors stay on the beach in front of the town, but the locals know to head south through the cemetery to the less-crowded Los Muertos Beach. Don’t miss out on exploring both of these Riviera Nayarit beaches on your next vacation.

Islas Marietas

The most famous and secluded Nayarit hidden beach is on the Marietas Islands. Located off the tip of the Bay of Banderas, these islands are extraordinary for their unique formations, rare birds, and hidden beach. Underneath a jagged rock formation where blue-footed booby birds are nesting, Lover’s Beach is the most secret Nayarit hidden beach. To access the beach, you will have to make reservations early since only a certain number of visitors are permitted each day in efforts to conserve the unique ecosystem. After swimming into the center the island, the rocky dome opens up and light pours onto the sandy shores of Lover’s Beach.

Playa Destiladeras

For powdery sand and calm waters, head to Playa Destiladera on the north end of the bay. Along several miles of virgin coastline, you can splash in the water or lay out in the sun. Local vendors will pass by, renting umbrellas and selling snacks. Here, you’ll truly feel like you’ve stumbled across paradise as you watch the palms sway in the breeze and gaze down miles of uninterrupted coastline. While it is one of the less popular Nayarit Mexico beaches, those who have discovered it value its tranquility and beauty.

Lo de Marcos

Several of the Riviera Nayarit beaches are home to small communities whose simple lifestyles attract certain travelers to slow down and enjoy the beach life. Most of the communities along Nayarit Mexico beaches are known for their fishing boats and fresh seafood restaurants, and Lo de Marcos is one of the best. Off the beaten path, this fishing village maintains its distinct Mexican culture with wide cobblestone streets, colorful buildings, and flowering trees around every corner. If you are looking for Nayarit beaches away from the crowds and the best seafood you’ve ever tasted, a day trip to Lo de Marcos is the best way to experience more of Mexico.


San Pancho

Rincon de Guayabitos

Each of the beaches in Riviera Nayarit is its own unique gem. Whether you are looking for a charming city to explore or freshly caught seafood to eat, there’s something for everyone along Mexico’s golden coast.

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

Visit and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit 220+ videos: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos


Marketing, Advertising Tourism, Restaurants, Real Estate, Events, Tours, Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit https://promovisionpv.com/marketing-advertising-tourism-restaurants-real-estate-events-tours-puerto-vallarta-riviera-nayarit-2/

Adventurers of life in Puerto Vallarta


On your way to Puerto Vallarta and want to do more than party and lay by the pool?

There are plenty of unique, healthy things to do in Puerto Vallarta.

Puerto Vallarta is a very popular tourist destinations in Mexico and one of its biggest resort cities. Puerto Vallarta’s location by the Sierra Madre mountains and the Pacific ocean, has a diversity so much more accessible for all sorts of activities.

Be surprised by so many non touristy things to do in Puerto Vallarta, that most tourists will not experience at all!

The city is nestled between the sparkling Bay of Banderas and the lush, jungle-clad Sierra Madre mountains so of course there are some special Puerto Vallarta hidden gems.

If you are more of an independent and adventurous traveler, you will find something to love about Puerto Vallarta.

Get away from the main tourist areas, and you will enjoy it. As so many other people.

Puerto Vallarta, with jungle clad mountains, palm trees and jungle spilling on the beach and rocky coves with blue ocean.

Sooo little time so many things to do, unless you are for the long stay.

You may start by:

Hike from Boca de Tomatlan to Playa Las Animas

Visit Quimixto and hike to the waterfall

Spend a day exploring the city – Zona Romantica, Isla Rio Cuale,

Walk the Malecon and hunt out all the street art

Pick one water activity – learn scuba diving at Los Arcos,

Seeing the famous Hidden Beach at Islas Marietas

Humpback whale watching

Mos of those activities are near the central city area of Puerto Vallarta, most are accessible walking or the local bus or a taxi if you have a hard time locating the meeting point .

A food tour is a good way to be guided to the different styles of Mexican food available in Puerto Vallarta and discover some of the favorites. (3 different companies do offer this activity) You will be explained about the restaurants and stands visited, the dishes eating, and all about the cuisine and the role of food in Mexican culture. Supporting local is the best thing you can do when you travel to ensure you are leaving a positive impact on the communities you visit. You may return to your favorite the spots on the tour, and you will be confident ordering something different on the menu.

The city is overflowing with an incredible range of restaurants, street stalls, taco stands and beach vendors serving up all kinds of delicious food.

Know your Tacos in Puerto Vallarta https://promovisionpv.com/know-your-tacos-in-puerto-vallarta/

Puerto Vallarta is considered to be one of the best spots for food in Mexico!

Restaurants in Puerto Vallarta are positioned among the best 50 in Mexico. https://promovisionpv.com/restaurants-in-puerto-vallarta-are-positioned-among-the-best-50-in-mexico/

Different Types of Tequila Puerto Vallarta https://promovisionpv.com/different-types-of-tequila-puerto-vallarta/

Explore Romantic Zone

Zona Romantica or the Romantic Zone is one of the many different neighbourhoods in Puerto Vallarta. The area goes by a few names, including Viejo Vallarta (Old Vallarta). Discover the Romantic Zone of Puerto Vallarta https://promovisionpv.com/about-the-romantic-zone-of-puerto-vallarta/

This historic area is one of the original parts of downtown Puerto Vallarta and still has a very warm feel. This green and leafy area has original cobblestone streets, colorful street art and a great vibe. The more you walk toward the mountain side, away from the beach you walk, the more local it gets. There are amazing street food stalls, cute parks and charming historic buildings. It is definitely worth spending a few hours just wandering aimlessly and exploring this pretty neighborhood! A row of charming colorful old buildings in Zona Romantica in Puerto Vallarta.

Cross the bridge to Isla del Rio Cuale, is the peaceful, lush oasis of Isla del Rio Cuale. Isla Cuale, a small island connected to Zona Romantica and the Centro area by a series of bridges. This tiny little island is a quiet reprieve from the busier areas of Puerto Vallarta and is well worth a visit to wander through the local market stalls and under the shady lush greenery.

There are a couple of restaurants and cafes on the island too, which would make a great stop for a late breakfast or lunch while exploring the rest of the city. River Cafe looked upscale but had a lovely setting. A street crosses the Isla Rio Cuale in Puerto Vallarta, lined with market stalls selling colorful crafts, clothes and wares

Walk the Malecon

Okay so this definitely is not a unique thing to do in Puerto Vallarta, but I could not write this list without including this iconic sight. Puerto Vallarta has a long boardwalk along the water, called ‘El Malecon’. It stretches from Zona Romantica in the south to the Centro area in the north. It is only around 1.6 km (1 mi) long, but it is a great place to wander up and down. In the evenings, the Malecon is lined with all different kinds of street food stalls and street performers, with a great atmosphere. It’s also a great place to watch the sunset. The Puerto Vallarta Malecon, a seafront promenade winding around the coast lined with palm trees.

Beach Time

Olas Altas Beach, around the busy Zona Romantica and Centro areas. is the most popular beach, and for many visitors, their top priority is enjoying the sun, sea and sand with numerous beach restaurants. Playa Los Muertos, Playa Olas Atlas and Playa Camarones, although nice beaches, can be incredibly busy. With other tourists, beachfront restaurants and bars, and vendors selling everything you can imagine.

You can still experience the many beautiful beaches of Puerto Vallarta without the crowds at these less touristy beaches:

We recommend jumping on a bus heading south to Boca de Tomatlan and hopping off at any of these beaches.

What Beach to Spend the Day in Puerto Vallarta or Riviera Nayarit. https://promovisionpv.com/discover-the-beaches-to-spend-the-day/

You can catch the bus from the corner of Calle Constitución & Basilio Badillo in Zona Romantica out the front of the OXXO. Just make sure it says Boca de Tomatlan on the front, and it will head south along Highway 200.

The water around Puerto Vallarta can be rough depending on the season, so be careful swimming.

Enjoy Puerto Vallarta’s famous sunsets. Sitting on the west coast of Mexico on the Pacific Ocean, Puerto Vallarta is blessed with gorgeous sunsets year round! Planning to be on the beach, at a lookout, or in a bar or restaurant with a good view to enjoy the sunset. It is such a nice way to end the day, reflect on what you have done and seen in this beautiful part of Mexico. Any of the beaches around Puerto Vallarta have great sunset views, as does the Malecon.

Take part in the Puerto Vallarta Art Walk

Art Walk Resume October 30th 2024 Puerto Vallarta https://promovisionpv.com/art-walk-resume-october-30th-puerto-vallarta/

Every Wednesday evening between late October – late June (peak/dry season) local galleries in the Centro neighborhood open their doors to visitors for the Puerto Vallarta ArtWalk. From 6 pm – 10 pm, you can take a self-guided walking art tour, visiting different galleries. You can speak with the artists, browse paintings, sculptures, ceramics and jewellery, and maybe even find a unique souvenir to take home.

Find all the street art

The historic area of Puerto Vallarta (Zona Romantic, Centro and 5 de Diciembre) is full of amazing street art. Huge colorful murals bring life to the streets and depict different historical, cultural and environmental themes.

Street Art chasers, here is a sample. About 100 images this is a sample, yes there are more, so do I. Some of the art images in the video are no longer available because of construction or remodeling of buildings. https://promovisionpv.com/puerto-vallarta-street-art-collection/

Hike Mirador de la Cruz

If you’re looking for a decent workout and some amazing views of PV, you should hike Mirador de la Cruz. A short, but very steep hike leads you through the streets behind Centro, following winding alleys with hundreds of stairs. You reach an observation tower which you can climb (more stairs!) for some beautiful views over the city and the Bay of Banderas. You will cross some of the fitness freaks and runners tackling these stairs!

Mirador de La Cruz Best View of Puerto Vallarta https://promovisionpv.com/mirador-de-la-cruz-best-view-puerto-vallarta/

Visit Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe

Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe or Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe is an iconic site in Puerto Vallarta. Itis free to go inside the church, and so long as a service is not going on you are permitted to enter and (respectfully) take photos. The area around the cathedral is a hive of activity, with Plaza de Armas / City Hall nearby, lots of street food stalls and music. Church of Our Lady Guadalupe in Puerto Vallarta with its ornate dome.

Take a cooking class

No doubt you have been eating all the delicious Mexican food around Puerto Vallarta. Now it may be time to take a cooking class and learn how to make some of the local specialties yourself! Learning how to make delicious salsas, tacos and Mexican drinks, taking a cooking class is a great cultural experience.

Cooking Paella

How to make Ceviche Aguachile.

Mexican Food & Gastronomy Puerto Vallarta https://promovisionpv.com/mexican-food-gastronomy-puerto-vallarta/

There are not a lot of tours that allow you to genuinely and authentically connect with local people. A cooking class gives you this opportunity and is one of the best non touristy things to do in Puerto Vallarta. As part of a cooking class, you will visit a local market with your chef to shop for fresh local ingredients. Your class will take place in your chef’s house, where you will learn to cook a number of Mexican dishes. The experience has a rotating roster of dishes each day of the week, so you can check in advance which day you would like to book.

Get away from the center of Puerto Vallarta

Those activities are more of day trips, just on the outskirts of Puerto Vallarta. Most are within an hour of Puerto Vallarta, or the tours depart directly from Puerto Vallarta.

Hike from Boca de Tomatlan to Playa Las Animas.

If you want to get out in nature, get your blood pumping and discover some beautiful beaches, we highly recommend hiking the jungle trail from Boca de Tomatlan to Playa Las Animas. Starting from the bustling little town of Boca, the trail winds around the coast through the jungle, passing a number of stunning and almost deserted coves. Before ending at the busier Playa Las Animas, where there are a ton of restaurants to grab lunch. To get to Boca de Tomatlan from Puerto Vallarta, you can take the bus from the corner of Calle Constitución & Basilio Badillo in Zona Romantica out the front of the OXXO. The bus is very easy to navigate, and it costs just 10 pesos per person. Once you arrive in Boca, you need to cross the bridge over the river, and you will be on the trail. There are signs along the way, pointing to the next beach (it won’t say Las Animas, it will say Playa Colomitos which is the first beach you will encounter).

The first leg of the trail to Playa Colomitos is the hardest, with the most ups and downs. But, resist the urge to rest at this beach, and push on a little further until you see the next one. Most people just walk one way on the trail to Playa Las Animas and then catch a boat back to Boca de Tomatlan.

Visit the Quimixto Waterfall

Quimixto is hands down the best Puerto Vallarta hidden gem! This was my favourite less touristy place near Puerto Vallarta, and we actually decided to spend a few nights here. I highly recommend it, but it’s also easy to visit Quimixto as a day trip.

Follow the path from the pier into the (very small!) town. You will see colorful signs pointing you to the cascada (waterfall). The walk to the falls is short, around 30 – 45 minutes depending on your pace, and besides a few short inclines, it is not too hard. Once you arrive at the falls, you will see there is a restaurant built on a platform above the falls. From there, you can walk down some stairs to swim at the base of the falls.

Snorkel at Los Arcos

The Los Arcos National Marine Park is a group of five small granite islands that seemingly shoot out of the ocean in the Bay of Banderas. The islands are located just off the coast of Mismaloya, a small beach town south of Puerto Vallarta. On land, the small archipelago is home to a number of birds such as pelicans and even the famous blue-footed booby! Under the water, there is a maze of tunnels and arches that are perfect for snorkeling or scuba diving.

The area is home to a range of tropical fish like parrot fish and angelfish, and if you’re lucky you might even spot a turtle or a ray! We saw a couple of spotted eagle rays on our visit, my favorite marine animal.

The visibility of the water becomes quite bad in the cooler months (November – April) because the water turns a tone of green. Our captain told us it’s because it mixes with the colder water coming from the north.

Go whale watching

Each winter, thousands of humpback whales come to the waters around Puerto Vallarta to mate and give birth. Humpbacks are the most energetic and active species of whale, and there is a good chance you will be treated to a show! They leap out of the water (breach), stick their heads vertically up (spy hop) and splash the water with their fins (pec slap) and tails (tail slap). The season runs from around mid-December to late March, with January and February being the peak time.

Discover Hidden Beach at Islas Marietas

An alternative option for snorkelling and diving is the Marietas Islands. Located much further out in the Bay of Banderas, this group of islands is protected as part of the Marietas Islands National Marine Park. Life above and below the water is similar to that at Los Arcos. But what really draws people to the Marietas Islands is the famous Hidden Beach. This beach is inside an open-air cavern, invisible from the outside. Only accessed at low tide, with a short swim or kayak through a tunnel, this beach has become very popular. Access to this fragile area is strictly controlled by the government, with only a small amount of permits issued each day. If you are permitted to enter on your tour, your time will be limited.

Baby Turtle Release

Every year from June – December, hundreds of mama sea turtles come ashore in the Bay of Banderas to lay their eggs. Sadly in Mexico, turtle nests are at risk of being stolen, eaten by predators, or crushed by ATVs and foot traffic. To combat this and conserve the population of sea turtles, local NGOs all over the country set up secure hatcheries, and relocate nests. Several locations are distributed along the cost for nesting and releasing. One center location is Playa del Holi, the Marriott Hotel in Marina Vallarta (you can call concierge to know if the re will release on that day)

Please remember that the turtle release are first and foremost about the protection and conservation of the turtles, NOT as a tourist attraction. Some visitors seem to forget this and are very demanding of the volunteers.

Puerto Vallarta Botanic Gardens

If you want to experience a slice of rainforest in Puerto Vallarta, head to the Vallarta Botanical Gardens (Jardin Botanico Vallarta). Located a 45-minute drive from Zona Romantica, the gardens showcase an impressive range of native plants and flowers. The property features planned and manicured gardens, as well as a range of trails through natural rain forests, rivers and waterfalls.You could easily spend a day here exploring all the different trails, and the further you get from the main gardens and visitor centre, the more likely you are to have the trails to yourself! Take the bus going to ‘El Tuito’ from Zona Romantica, from the corner of Basilio Badillo and Aguacate.

There is a restaurant on-site that serves up a range of international and Mexican-style dishes, which was surprisingly good and affordable considering the location. The restaurant sits on the upper floor of the visitor center, with a beautiful open-air balcony overlooking the gardens.

You will experience a super relaxing and lovely day, and after exploring the trails, lazing on the lawn in the shade reading a book in the peace and quiet. One of Puerto Vallarta’s best kept secrets!

Take a day trip to Yelapa

Yelapa is a small coastal village south of Puerto Vallarta, at the very edge of the Bay of Banderas. Accessible only by boat, it might seem like this area is an island. It is on the mainland, but the jungle around town is so dense, that there are no roads or cars here. You will find quieter beaches, some pretty waterfalls in the jungle and rural village life. You may stay in Yelapa for a few nights or just a discovery day trip. You can DIY your visit, taking the bus to Boca de Tomatlan, and then boarding a boat to Yelapa.

Yelapa tropical paradise near Puerto Vallarta https://promovisionpv.com/yelapa-tropical-paradise-near-puerto-vallarta/

You will land on Playa Yelapa, a gorgeous beach, and can easily while away a day lazing on the sand, exploring the village and hiking to the waterfalls. There is one waterfall that is quite close to the beach (follow this trail), but a second, quieter waterfall is a decent hike into the jungle (follow this trail) if you have got the time.

Hang out in Mismaloya

But this laid back coastal village is where tourism really started in Puerto Vallarta! It was the setting for the famous movie Night of the Iguana with Richard Burton. He brought his then-mistress Elizabeth Taylor with him to Puerto Vallarta while he filmed, and they both fell in love with the area and moved into Casa Kimberly in downtown Puerto Vallarta.

It is a great place to spend a day, with a sandy beach, Playa Mismaloya, and plenty of great restaurants to enjoy a fresh seafood feast. Keep your eye out for the resident iguanas roaming around town.

Mismaloya has also been the movie set to The Predator with Arnold.

If you are feeling active, there is a fantastic hike into the jungle to three gorgeous waterfalls. It’s a long and challenging hike, so come prepared. But chances are you’ll be the only one there! You can take the bus towards Boca de Tomatlan from the bus stop located here and get off at Mismaloya. The beach in Mismaloya, with a narrow strip of golden sand curving towards a rocky headland with jungle rising up the mountain dotted with hotels and villas

Change it up and get out of Puerto Vallarta to these surrounding towns. No high-rise resorts, heavy traffic or shopping malls in sight. If you have got the time, you can add a couple of nights at any of these destinations for a change of scenery.

Discover Surf town to Sayulita

About an hour north of Puerto Vallarta in the neighbouring state of Nayarit is the colourful surf town of Sayulita. This pueblo magico has become a pretty popular spot for travellers over the past few years. Sayulita is a beach town that revolves around surfing, yoga and partying. It’s a funky place, with aesthetic cafes, tons of great restaurants, cute artsy stores and gorgeous boutique hotels.

In Sayulita, you can see all the main sights walking, and the best thing to do is wander around the town, hit the beach, take a surf lesson and enjoy the great dining scene.

San Pancho, Nayarit

For a destination even more laidback than Sayulita, try San Pancho. Officially San Francisco de Nayarit this hippy village is just a few minutes north of Sayulita. It has a similar vibe, with colourful streets and great surf, but it hasn’t become as popular or crowded as Sayulita.

“The Children’s Circus” Circo de Los Niños, San Pancho, Nayarit https://promovisionpv.com/circo-de-los-ninos-san-pancho-nayarit/ Circo de Los Niños, Circo de Los Niños de San Pancho, circus school,

Get into the mountains at San Sebastian del Oeste

Another great day trip from Puerto Vallarta, in a completely different area! San Sebastian del Oeste is one of Jalisco’s Pueblo Magicos or magic towns. Located high in the Sierra Madre mountains, this small mining town has cool, fresh air and offers a reprieve from the heat and humidity of the coast. The small town offers a glimpse into rural Mexican life and feels as if you’ve stepped back in time. With whitewashed buildings and cobblestone streets, it’s a cute pueblo to explore. A charming white washed church with an archway to enter in the town of San Sebastian del Oeste near Puerto Vallarta

You may get your tour/trip at a better price from: Here are some people I have known for 25+ years
You can call Chon at 322-278-2884 for some possible discounts or ask for any other recommemdations by Chon or Julian at their stand next to the OXXO at the Marina Terminal Entrance. They have been there for more then 25 years.

Jose Luis walks along the los muertos malecon, wares a red CN cap.

Jaime Humberto stands outside at the Los Arcos Hotel in the morning until 12

Jorge, stand is at the entrance of the Los Muertos Pier

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

Visit and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit 220+ videos: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos


Marketing, Advertising Tourism, Restaurants, Real Estate, Events, Tours, Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit https://promovisionpv.com/marketing-advertising-tourism-restaurants-real-estate-events-tours-puerto-vallarta-riviera-nayarit-2/