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Articles en Français de Puerto Vallarta


Si vous avez manqué les articles en Français de Puerto Vallarta. (Liste au 15 Fev. 2024)

Que sont les Voladores de Papantla ? Puerto Vallarta

Amateur de tennis féminin, tournoi WTA Février 19-25 Puerto Vallartra

Visiter les magnifiques îles Los Arcos Puerto Vallarta

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Parce que bien vivre est la meilleure des vengeances

Médecine Alternative Puerto Vallarta, Médecine Holistique, Yoga, Homéopathie, Acuponcture, Réflexologie, Ayurveda, …. Plus Santé Puerto Vallarta

Cartographie les zones de Puerto Vallarta ou votre hôtel par rapport à la ville ou à l’océan.

Guide de la ville magique de Sayulita au Mexique et du surf

Puerto Vallarta Mexique, le guide de voyage ultime, la sécurité et les choses à faire

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15 ieme Edicion du Festival Ceviche Aguachile Puerto Vallarta

Guide to the Magical Sayulita, Nayarit, Mexico and Surfing Town

Découvrez le parc “Parque Lineal” Rio Pitillal Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta, sentier Boca de Tomatlan jusqu’au Playa Las Animas.

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Pourquoi Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit, la meilleure Destination pour prendre sa Retraite

Vacances LGBTQ à Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

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Les plages de Puerto Vallarta et de Cabo Corrientes sont sûres pour les vacances

PASSE JOURNÉ À Puerto Vallarta

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Retraite au Mexique à Puerto Vallarta et Riviera Nayarit

Connaitre La plage de Yelapa via Water Taxi ou Tour de Bateau Organisé.

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Touristes en provenance du Canada en hausse.

Restaurants et Club de Plage de Puerto Vallarta

La jetée Los Muertos de Puerto Vallarta vaut le détour.

Le programme des activités de Noël au Nouvel An à Puerto Vallarta commence le 9 décembre.

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San Blas Riviera Nayarit, Puerto Mágico est rempli d’histoire et de richesse naturelle.

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Qu’est-ce que la Riviera Nayarit, Nayarit, Mexique. + Videos

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Observation de Baleine à Bosse Puerto Vallarta


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Vivre à Puerto Vallarta, Mexique

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Visiting La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, Riviera Nayarit

Tout sur Puerto Vallarta et Plus en Français

Nous fournissons des informations et des ressources aux visiteurs de Puerto Vallarta, des régions de la Riviera Nayarit et d’autres destinations dans les deux États de Jalisco et de Nayarit. Vous trouverez une variété de contenus, notamment des articles, des articles de blog, des vidéos, des photos, des descriptions et des interviews, tous conçus pour aider les visiteurs à planifier leur voyage, y compris les attractions, les restaurants et les événements. Puerto Vallarta en Français https://promovisionpv.com/francais/

Visitez et Enregistrez vous a notre canal Youtube pour plus de videos de Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos

YouTube Puerto Vallarta

What are YouTubers Travel Vloggers have to say about Puerto Vallarta?


Tips and observations

Why Puerto Vallarta is My Favorite Mexican Beach Town

200+ Puerto Vallarta Riviera Nayarit Locations and Things to Do Videos https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos

YouTube Puerto Vallarta

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48 Hours In Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta, México – 4K Walking Tour in 2024

Is Puerto Vallarta worth it in 2024? | An honest look at PV as a nomad destination


Puerto Vallarta, Mexico: Fully Explained

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. Visit the content menu https://promovisionpv.com/

Puerto Vallarta Travel News

Visit and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit videos: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos

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Que sont les Voladores de Papantla ? Puerto Vallarta


La Danza de los Voladores (prononciation espagnole : [ˈdansa ðe los βolaˈðoɾes] ; “Danse des Flyers”), ou Palo Volador (prononcé [ˈpalo βolaˈðoɾ] ; “poteau volant”), est une ancienne cérémonie/rituel mésoaméricain encore pratiqué aujourd’hui. , bien que sous forme modifiée, dans des poches isolées du Mexique. On pense qu’il est originaire des peuples Nahua, Huastec et Otomi du centre du Mexique, puis s’est répandu dans la majeure partie de la Méso-Amérique. Le rituel consiste en la danse et l’escalade d’un poteau de 30 mètres (98 pieds 5 pouces) à partir duquel quatre des cinq participants se lancent ensuite attachés avec des cordes pour descendre au sol. Le cinquième reste au sommet du poteau, dansant et jouant de la flûte et du tambour. Selon un mythe, ce rituel aurait été créé pour demander aux dieux de mettre fin à une grave sécheresse. Bien que le rituel ne soit pas originaire du peuple Totonaque, il lui est aujourd’hui fortement associé, en particulier à ceux de Papantla et de ses environs, dans l’État mexicain de Veracruz. La cérémonie a été classée au patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’UNESCO afin d’aider le rituel à survivre et à prospérer dans le monde moderne. Les Aztèques croyaient que la Danza de los Voladores était le symbole de leur culture.


Selon le mythe totonaque, il y a au moins 450 ans [quand ?] il y a eu une grave sécheresse qui a provoqué la famine chez la population. Les dieux retenaient la pluie parce que les gens les avaient négligés. La cérémonie a été créée pour apaiser les dieux et ramener les pluies. Dans certaines versions de l’histoire, le rituel est créé par les vieillards d’un village, qui choisissent ensuite cinq jeunes hommes chastes. Dans d’autres versions, les cinq hommes créent eux-mêmes le rituel. L’arbre le plus haut de la forêt voisine est abattu, avec la permission du dieu de la montagne, dépouillé de ses branches et traîné jusqu’au village. Le tronc est érigé avec beaucoup de cérémonie. Les jeunes grimpent sur le poteau et quatre sautent tandis que le cinquième joue de la musique. Le rituel plut au dieu de la pluie Xipe Totec et à d’autres dieux, alors les pluies recommencèrent et la fertilité de la terre revint.

L’origine exacte de ce rituel/danse est inconnue, mais on pense qu’elle proviendrait des peuples Huastec, Nahua et Otomi de la Sierra de Puebla et des régions montagneuses de Veracruz. Le rituel s’est répandu dans une grande partie du monde mésoaméricain jusqu’à être pratiqué du nord du Mexique au Nicaragua. Les preuves de ce rituel remontent au moins à la période préclassique, selon les céramiques trouvées à Nayarit. À l’époque préhispanique, le rituel était beaucoup plus complexe, impliquant des tabous et de la méditation. On pensait que les participants se faisaient passer pour des oiseaux et, dans certaines régions, étaient habillés en perroquets, aras, quetzals et aigles. Ces oiseaux représentaient les dieux de la terre, de l’air, du feu et de l’eau. Au XVIe siècle, le rituel était fortement associé aux cérémonies solaires, comme l’équinoxe de printemps. Le rituel est le plus étroitement lié aux divinités de la pluie et du soleil telles que Xipe Totec et Tlazolteotl.

Dans la mythologie maya, la création du monde est associée à une divinité oiseau (Itzamna) résidant sur l’Arbre du Monde (le centre du monde). Cinq « hommes-oiseaux » au sommet d’un poteau représentent des divinités oiseaux. Le danseur principal se tient au centre et joue de la flûte, qui représente le chant des oiseaux. Les quatre autres “hommes-oiseaux” (représentant les quatre directions) tournent autour du poteau pour représenter la recréation du monde (et la régénération de la vie). Dans la forme primitive, au lieu de seulement cinq hommes, il y a six hommes habillés en oiseaux avec chaque membre. grimpant dessus et exécutant une danse et à la fin attachant des cordes autour de leur taille et qui sautent tous à l’unisson et descendent vers le bas. De nombreux villages du Mexique ont interdit cette version de la pratique en raison de blessures, voire de décès.

Plus d’histoire ici : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danza_de_los_Voladores

Nous fournissons des informations et des ressources aux visiteurs de Puerto Vallarta, des régions de la Riviera Nayarit et d’autres destinations dans les deux États de Jalisco et de Nayarit. Vous trouverez une variété de contenus, notamment des articles, des articles de blog, des vidéos, des photos, des descriptions et des interviews, tous conçus pour aider les visiteurs à planifier leur voyage, y compris les attractions, les restaurants et les événements. Puerto Vallarta en Français https://promovisionpv.com/francais/

Puerto Vallarta Travel News

Visitez et Enregistrez vous a notre canal Youtube pour plus de videos de Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos

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What are the Voladores de Papantla?


The Danza de los Voladores (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈdansa ðe los βolaˈðoɾes]; “Dance of the Flyers”), or Palo Volador (pronounced [ˈpalo βolaˈðoɾ]; “flying pole”), is an ancient Mesoamerican ceremony/ritual still performed today, albeit in modified form, in isolated pockets in Mexico. It is believed to have originated with the Nahua, Huastec and Otomi peoples in central Mexico, and then spread throughout most of Mesoamerica. The ritual consists of dance and the climbing of a 30-meter (98 ft 5 in) pole from which four of the five participants then launch themselves tied with ropes to descend to the ground. The fifth remains on top of the pole, dancing and playing a flute and drum. According to one myth, the ritual was created to ask the gods to end a severe drought. Although the ritual did not originate with the Totonac people, today it is strongly associated with them, especially those in and around Papantla in the Mexican state of Veracruz. The ceremony was named an Intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO in order to help the ritual survive and thrive in the modern world. The Aztecs believed that Danza de los Voladores was the symbol of their culture.


According to Totonac myth, at least 450 years ago [when?] there was a severe drought that brought hunger to the people. The gods were withholding the rain because the people had neglected them. The ceremony was created, to appease the gods and bring back the rains. In some versions of the story, the ritual is created by the old men of a village, who then chose five young men who were chaste. In other versions, the five men themselves create the ritual. The tallest tree in the nearby forest is cut down, with the permission of the mountain god, stripped of branches and dragged to the village. The trunk is erected with much ceremony. The youths climb the pole and four jump off while the fifth played music. The ritual pleased the rain god Xipe Totec and other gods, so the rains began again and the fertility of the earth returned.

The exact origin of this ritual/dance is unknown, but it is thought to have originated with the Huastec, Nahua and Otomi peoples in Sierra de Puebla and mountain areas of Veracruz. The ritual spread through much of the Mesoamerican world until it was practiced from northern Mexico to Nicaragua. Evidence for the ritual stretches back at least as far as the pre-Classic period according to ceramics found in Nayarit. In pre-Hispanic times, the ritual was far more complex, involving taboos and meditation. The participants were thought to impersonate birds and in some areas were dressed as parrots, macaws, quetzals and eagles. These birds represented the gods of the earth, air, fire, and water. By the 16th century, the ritual was strongly associated with solar ceremonies, such as the spring equinox. The ritual is most closely tied with rain and solar deities such as Xipe Totec and Tlazolteotl.

In Maya mythology the creation of the world is associated with a bird deity (Itzamna) residing at the World Tree (the center of the world). Five “birdmen” at the top of a pole represent bird deities. The main dancer stands in the center and plays a flute, which represents the sound of birds singing. The four other “birdmen” (representing the four directions) spin around the pole to represent the recreation of the world (and the regeneration of life) In the early form, instead of only five men there are six men dressed as birds with each member climbing on top and performing a dance and at the end tied ropes around their waist and who all jump in unison and descend downwards. Many villages in Mexico banned this version of the practice due to injuries and even death.

More story here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danza_de_los_Voladores

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

Puerto Vallarta Travel News

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Vallarta Botanical Garden Bird and Nature Festival


The 2024 Vallarta Bird Festival is coming up on Sunday, February 25th, in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Held at the Vallarta Botanical Garden, this festival celebrates the rich variety of birds and nature found in Mexico, particularly in Puerto Vallarta, Cabo Corrientes, and Bahía de Banderas.

To spark awareness for birds and nature and to inspire people to act to conserve birds and nature for their abilities to enrich our lives.

The Vallarta Bird and Nature Festival is a registered, non-profit, public-benefit Mexican Corporation that is administered by a volunteer Board of Directors and Officers. All of our work is funded by private donations and the money we raise from our annual festival.

In 2012, a small group of birdwatchers and nature lovers got together in Puerto Vallarta to find ways to raise awareness and appreciation for the unparalleled natural resources in the Bay of Banderas and surrounding Cabo Corrientes. We agreed that birdwatching and exploring was important because it provides an intimate connection between people and their natural environment. People who share a connection with nature and spend time observing wildlife have a stake in ensuring its preservation. Exploring nature and birdwatching are great ways to get outside. Few other hobbies offer so much for people of all ages from various cultures and walks of life. The Festival was born from these ideas.

We Cultivate the Principles of Conservation

A big part of the fun of exploring nature is putting a name to that bird, plant or animal you are encountering. We are fortunate to have passionate naturalists and professional birding guides who donate their time and expertise through inspiring and educational presentations during the Festival. As the economic effect of birdwatching and birding festivals grows, more communities and governments will realize that protecting habitat for birds and nature is a smart investment for our collective futures. That’s always a good thing.

Join this birding walk through the Garden for an early exploration of the various trails to see what birds are visiting the Horcones River area. You may find several species of orioles, Military Macaws, many warbler species, West Mexican Euphonias, Citreoline Trogons, Blue and Painted Buntings, and Squirrel Cuckoos. There have been sightings of the elusive Crested Guan. The river attracts Spotted Sandpipers (wintering), Black Phoebes, several types of flycatchers, Black Vultures, and sometimes even cormorants.

As a registered, non-profit and public-benefit Mexican Corporation, the Vallarta Bird and Nature Festival relies heavily on donations. Every gift helps to continue this work to ensure that awareness and appreciation of nature and birds is truly beneficial for everyone. Through your support, we have helped local projects like the Macaw Sanctuary Nest Box Project, and to date, three donated nest boxes are producing wild but vulnerable Military Macaws that then repopulate the native forests. We support local non-profit organizations, inviting them to participate in the Festival by offering presentations about their conservation work, because education is so important for future generations.

Your support will ensure that every year we can invite children with their families from a local community to come to the Festival to learn from biologists about birds and nature through fun and educational art projects. The Vallarta Bird and Nature Festival accepts donated art supplies, such as new crayons, colored pencils, drawing tablets, small paint brushes, and washable markers. Additionally, new puzzles and picture books that are focused on birds and nature would be wonderful contributions.

During this year’s festival, attendees can enjoy various fun and educational activities at the Vallarta Botanical Garden. These include presentations, specially designed activities for children, and a guided bird tour starting at 7:30 am.

General admission to the Garden is $300 MXN per person for non members. Members entry Is Free.

For more information, visit the event’s website https://vallartabirdandnaturefestival.com/
or Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/VallartaBirdandNatureFestival/

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

Visit and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit videos: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos

Gala Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit 2024


This year the number of participants has been greatly expanded with the incorporation of specific market niches. In addition to the participants who attend year after year, in this twenty-ninth edition the destinations invited niche buyers such as luxury, romance, LGBTQ+ and golf.

There will also be greater participation through the alliance with CONEXSTUR, an association of incoming tour operators created in 2010 with broad participation in the tourism market, made up of leading Mexican companies in the field, as well as guests of Volaris from Central and South America and organizers. of events (meeting planners).

The arrival of the largest number of representatives of national and international media ever recorded so far. With all these actions, around 110 strategic allies arrived at the destination and begin familiarization activities with the destination culminating with a welcome cocktail.

Business meetings started on February 8 at the Puerto Vallarta International Convention Center. Buyers who will be exploring the benefits and benefits of visiting Puerto Vallarta and the Riviera Nayarit.”

The Gala has been an edition of a lot of work, seeking to innovate as always, and today that is materialized through the arrival of 110 new actors who will have the opportunity to meet “First-hand the attributes of the destinations that make it an excellent option for golfers, luxury travel, romance, MICE, as well as LGBTQ+ tourism.”

With the addition of these new segments to the list of invited buyers, Gala Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit consolidates itself as the leading tourist event in the Mexican Pacific, also reaching the record number of 82 wholesalers from Mexico, the United States, Canada, Australia, Albania, Spain, England, Italy, Israel, India, England, Ecuador and Peru

Without a doubt, Gala Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit has established itself as the most important tourist event in the Mexican Pacific. It establishes alliances and cooperative strategies between the commercial partners of the destination and the hotel industry, determining what actions will be carried out to boost the market in the coming seasons. With more than 1,500 business meetings scheduled to take place on February 8 and 9, this year Gala Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit brings together more wholesalers, hotels, airlines, national inbound companies, companies specialized in niches, event organizers and local suppliers than in its previous editions. In addition, it has the participation of several magical towns from Jalisco and Nayarit, which will take advantage of the meeting to promote their tourist attractions with the attendees.

With its great variety of natural sea and mountain settings characteristic of the region, events and outdoor activities, the metropolitan area of Puerto Vallarta has positioned itself as the ideal sun and beach destination for different market niches, such as tourism. luxury, romance, LGBTQ+, MICE, medical and golf, which has been attracting more and more service providers specialized in these segments to this great event.

Gala Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit is part of the joint agenda between the Puerto Vallarta Tourism Trust and the Nayarit Tourism Promotion Trust, which serve as links between the tourism sector and strategic partners. The objective when holding the Gala is to generate rapprochement between all the actors involved so that these alliances are finalized, increase the flow of visitors by generating competitive rates and for tourism to continue growing for the benefit of the entire region.

In this twenty-ninth edition of the Gala, there is the participation of 81 wholesalers and within the “hosted buyers” program, the participation of CONEXSTUR with 8 national inbound companies, Volaris with 15 partners from Central and South America, 5 companies specialized in golf, 10 LGBTQ+ and another 6 related to luxury, 6 to romance, 4 hospitals to enhance medical tourism and 36 event organizers to serve the MICE segment, 34 of them national and 2 international; adding a total of 171 floor professionals from 13 countries in order to negotiate and generate agreements with 98 hotels and more than 20 local suppliers. In the same way and with great relevance to generate greater economic benefits, this edition participates as buyers of the organizers of home events such as Vinoma Fest, Festival Gourmet, Marathon PV, Copa Vallarta, UTM, UPA, Beardise, Vallarta Pride, Grupo LOC, Vallarta Nayarit Gastronomic, among others.

In addition, the event has great coverage in regional, national and international media, totaling more than 50 media. All this media exposure helps to continue increasing the visibility of our destination in a positive way worldwide.

“In 2023, the tourist influx to the destination increased by 2.2% compared to 2022. Likewise, the economic impact grew by 2.3%. Regarding the arrival of passengers, both national and international, we registered an increase of 12.1%” he shared the Secretary of Tourism of Jalisco, Mtra. Claudia Vanessa Pérez Lamas, in her inaugural speech before municipal authorities, consular agents, wholesale partners, hoteliers, presidents of local chambers and associations and other distinguished personalities.

For his part, the Secretary of Tourism of Nayarit, Juan Enrique Suárez del Real Tostado, expressed: “it is a reality that security is vital for investment to reach a destination, and today I can tell you that we work hand in hand and very arduous way so that we can safeguard security in this region, which I believe today is one of the key points and cornerstones for the development and attraction of investment towards our destination.

The Puerto Vallarta International Convention Center will be the main stage where wholesalers from all over the world will meet. Last year, 71 wholesalers attended and this year there were 126 companies, which represents a 77% growth.
Gala 2024 will be the largest in history, since every year interest in this region grows and the number of participants increases thanks to its variety of hotel products and experiences, to which is added its wide range of fixed events that They add up to around 30 a year, which makes the destination a place to visit repeatedly.

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

Visit and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit videos: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos

Puerto Vallarta Riviera Nayarit Ultimate Guide

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You will find description texts inside bellow those videos. Also visit our web site pages dedicated to those individual videos https://promovisionpv.com/ Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos

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If you missed our Puerto Vallarta Content and Stories (archive content as Feb 15 2024) https://promovisionpv.com/if-you-missed-our-puerto-vallarta-content-and-stories-content-as-feb-15-2024/

Puerto Vallarta Versalles Restaurant List

What are the Voladores de Papantla? Puerto Vallarta https://promovisionpv.com/what-are-the-voladores-de-papantla-puerto-vallarta/

Discover Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit 200+ Videos Ultimate Guide https://promovisionpv.com/discover-puerto-vallarta-riviera-nayarit-200-videos-ultimate-guide/

Puerto Vallarta Dentist

Discover the different beaches of Puerto Vallarta https://promovisionpv.com/discover-the-different-beaches-of-puerto-vallarta/

Puerto Vallarta Nogalito Eco Park

VISITING RIO CUALE MUNICIPAL MARKET Puerto Vallarta https://promovisionpv.com/visiting-rio-cuale-municipal-market-puerto-vallarta/

Maps Puerto Vallarta Areas or Your Hotel relative to the City or Ocean. https://promovisionpv.com/maps-puerto-vallarta-areas-or-your-hotel-relative-to-the-city-or-ocean/

Did you know about the Movies Shot in Puerto Vallarta? https://promovisionpv.com/did-you-know-about-the-movies-shot-in-puerto-vallarta/

La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

Puerto Vallarta Mexico, The Ultimate Travel Guide, Safety and Things to Do https://promovisionpv.com/puerto-vallarta-mexico-the-ultimate-travel-guide-safety-and-things-to-do/

Puerto Vallarta Botanical Garden

Why you should visit the Riviera Nayarit on your next vacation to Puerto Vallarta. https://promovisionpv.com/why-you-should-visit-the-riviera-nayarit-on-your-next-vacation-to-puerto-vallarta/

Puerto Vallarta Private Tour Guide

How to get to the Puerto Vallarta Botanical Garden! https://promovisionpv.com/how-to-get-to-the-puerto-vallarta-botanical-garden/

Puerto Vallarta Bird Watching

The Marina Puerto Vallarta Thursday Night Market not to miss. https://promovisionpv.com/the-marina-puerto-vallarta-vallarta-thursday-night-market-not-to-miss/

Mexican Cuisine

Puerto Vallarta Mariachi

Discover the “Parque Lineal” Rio Pitillal Park Puerto Vallarta https://promovisionpv.com/discover-the-parque-lineal-rio-pitillal-park-puerto-vallarta/

Puerto Vallarta Gay Friendly City

100+ more videos on Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

Visit and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit videos: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos

YouTube Puerto Vallarta

La communauté Gay – LGBTQ Puerto Vallarta


Puerto Vallarta est connue comme la ville la plus conviviale du monde grâce à la chaleur de ses habitants et à l’accueil de ses visiteurs à bras ouverts. Depuis plus de 60 ans, il s’impose comme l’un des lieux préférés de la communauté LGBT. Outre son hospitalité chaleureuse, Puerto Vallarta est une destination avec beaucoup d’attrait, des restaurants et bars aux spas et visites exclusives pour explorer et admirer la beauté naturelle et la biodiversité que cet endroit privilégié a à offrir.

En couple ou entre amis, soyez vous-même et profitez de chaque instant dans des ambiances inédites.

Puerto Vallarta propose de nombreuses options pour rendre votre voyage inoubliable : vous pourrez vous promener le long du Malecón sous la lumière du coucher du soleil, explorer ses rues pleines de belles surprises, savourer la gastronomie de ses restaurants et bars, profiter de la vie nocturne de la Zone Romantique ou prendre un moment de détente dans ses spas de classe mondiale ou un massage en bord de mer.

Gay Puerto Vallarta

Chaque année, Puerto Vallarta semble devenir de plus en plus populaire en tant que lieu de vacances gay. Avec un climat idéal, une magnifique baie océanique, des plages, des montagnes et une jungle tropicale luxuriante comme décor, Puerto Vallarta est une petite ville vouée au service du voyageur en visite. Tout en conservant une grande partie de son charme mexicain d’antan, Vallarta a construit au fil des années l’infrastructure d’une communauté de villégiature moderne. Les cybercafés, les distributeurs automatiques de billets, les restaurants raffinés, un excellent aéroport, des services médicaux modernes, un approvisionnement en eau potable et un environnement sûr et tolérant font désormais tous partie de la scène de Vallarta. Ainsi, visiter un paradis tropical ne doit pas nécessairement être un choix entre un lieu moderne mais stérile ou l’alternative d’une existence pittoresque mais primitive. Puerto Vallarta a tout le charme pittoresque, sans compromettre les commodités modernes.

Que vous envisagiez simplement de passer des vacances ici, que quelqu’un y soit déjà venu une seule fois ou qu’il soit un résident virtuel qui vient chaque hiver pendant des mois, vous trouverez ici de nombreuses informations utiles. Vallarta compte désormais plus d’une douzaine d’hôtels, de maisons d’hôtes et de chambres d’hôtes qui s’adressent à notre communauté, plusieurs bars et clubs gays différents, une plage gay de renommée mondiale, de superbes voyages gay en bateau, des visites spéciales comprenant des soirées dans des sources chaudes naturelles, et quelques bons restaurants. La scène gay de Vallarta couvre toute la gamme, depuis les clochards gays de la plage jusqu’aux couples de premier plan qui hivernent ici et se divertissent ainsi que leurs amis avec style.

Vallarta est populaire auprès de toutes sortes d’hommes et de femmes gays de nombreux endroits du monde. Jeunes et vieux, européens et originaires des Amériques ou d’Australie, le mélange cosmopolite fait partie de ce qui fait de cet endroit un lieu passionnant à voir et à être vu. Et si vous craignez que cela signifie ne pas rencontrer de belles Mexicaines, soyez assuré que de nombreux « amis de Dorothy » de Vallarta et des plus grandes villes du Mexique, notamment Guadalajara, viennent également ici pour se détendre sur nos célèbres plages et admirer notre clubs la nuit.

Vallarta se trouve sous les tropiques, du côté de l’océan Pacifique au Mexique, nichée dans une zone côtière montagneuse. Nous sommes situés dans l’une des baies naturelles les plus grandes, les plus profondes et les plus étonnantes du monde, Bahia de Banderas, qui accueille presque toutes les formes de loisirs aquatiques imaginables. C’est dans cette baie que viennent les baleines à bosse chaque hiver, où les dauphins nichent toute l’année et où la pêche en haute mer est excellente. Les vents sont ici parfaits pour naviguer. Le surf est bon sur la côte nord de la baie. Et ce n’est pas dépassé par le développement. Près de trente milles de côte de la baie sont totalement inaccessibles par la route et donc vierges et dépourvus de développement. Les montagnes qui entourent la baie sont recouvertes d’une jungle tropicale luxuriante, les plages dans certaines zones sont encadrées par ces montagnes qui descendent jusqu’au bord de l’eau et, surtout, rien n’est ruiné par la pollution ou la laideur industrielle. À Puerto Vallarta, l’air est pur, le soleil brille sans pluie presque tout l’hiver et les couchers de soleil sont aussi spectaculaires qu’on pourrait le souhaiter.

Destination Gay Wedding Puerto Vallarta https://promovisionpv.com/destination-gay-wedding-puerto-vallarta/

Nous fournissons des informations et des ressources aux visiteurs de Puerto Vallarta, des régions de la Riviera Nayarit et d’autres destinations dans les deux États de Jalisco et de Nayarit. Vous trouverez une variété de contenus, notamment des articles, des articles de blog, des vidéos, des photos, des descriptions et des interviews, tous conçus pour aider les visiteurs à planifier leur voyage, y compris les attractions, les restaurants et les événements. Puerto Vallarta en Français https://promovisionpv.com/francais/

Visitez et Enregistrez vous a notre canal Youtube pour plus de videos de Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos

Tennis féminin tournoi WTA Puerto Vallartra


Puerto Vallarta est sur le point de rehausser son profil de tourisme sportif mondial avec le lancement du tournoi 125ieme Woman Tennis Association , le premier tournoi de ce type sur la côte ouest du Mexique. Prévu du 19 au 25 février au Parota Park, le tournoi mettra en vedette plus de 30 joueurs de tennis qui s’affronteront dans un total de 50 matchs, tous en lice pour une cagnotte de 125 000 $.

Le tournoi WTA 125 à Puerto Vallarta aura lieu la huitième semaine de l’année et servira de tournoi d’ouverture de la saison au Mexique. Cela représente une opportunité significative pour les joueurs de gagner des points dans leur classement international.

Il s’agit du tout premier tournoi de l’Association de tennis féminin de Vallarta, s’appuyant sur son histoire d’accueil de divers événements internationaux. Le rôle important de la ville dans l’organisation de cet événement prestigieux dans le cadre de la tournée professionnelle de la WTA.

Gustavo Santoscoy Garcia, co-directeur du tournoi, a remercié le gouvernement municipal d’avoir ouvert les portes de cet événement et s’est dit convaincu qu’il s’agirait du premier des nombreux tournois de tennis qui se dérouleront à Puerto Vallarta.Soulignant l’attrait de Puerto Vallarta en tant que destination touristique axée sur la sécurité, contribuant ainsi au développement touristique global de la région.

Suivre les resultas: https://www.wtatennis.com/tournament/1108/nuevo-vallarta-125

Nous fournissons des informations et des ressources aux visiteurs de Puerto Vallarta, des régions de la Riviera Nayarit et d’autres destinations dans les deux États de Jalisco et de Nayarit. Vous trouverez une variété de contenus, notamment des articles, des articles de blog, des vidéos, des photos, des descriptions et des interviews, tous conçus pour aider les visiteurs à planifier leur voyage, y compris les attractions, les restaurants et les événements. Puerto Vallarta en Français https://promovisionpv.com/francais/

Visitez et Enregistrez vous a notre canal Youtube pour plus de videos de Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos

Los Arcos Scuba Diving Puerto Vallarta


It’s time to visit Los Arcos Puerto Vallarta, the magnificent granite islands that protrude from the sea surface. These impressive arched capes adorn the southern part of Puerta Vallarta from Banderas Bay. There, discover Los Arcos Marine Park, where you’ll find some of the best snorkeling and scuba diving in Mexico. Or simply relax above the water on a charter boat to experience Los Arcos up close. If you decide to go for it, you can swim anywhere around these islands. And your boat can pass directly through the arches. Finally, if you are adventurous enough, cliff climbing is a way to discover a unique view that only the bravest can enjoy.

Los Arcos Archipelago Puerto Vallarta is a protected national marine park, established in 1984. Interestingly, it is located between two beaches, Mismaloya Beach and Las Gemelas Beach. So there are several places nearby to view these magnificent granite formations. In this beautiful park you will find caves, deep tunnels, arches and a spectacular reef to observe underwater. Additionally, this magical place is a sanctuary for many species of seabirds that breed there, many of which include penguins, parrots, pelicans and other sea and land birds.
Los Arcos Puerto Vallarta underwater

Much like the abundance of life above water, the biodiversity of marine life in the sea around Los Arcos Puerto Vallarta is also considerable. For example, you will see different species of colorful exotic fish, humpback whales, dolphins, giant manta rays, octopuses, lobsters, turtles, stingrays, moray eels and puffer fish, as well as other magnificent marine species. And the water is usually very clear, so underwater visibility is excellent: you can see a great distance when you look into the depths. Whether you choose to snorkel or scuba dive, Los Arcos Puerto Vallarta comes to life underwater.

Scuba diving around the Los Arcos area

The average depth in this area of Banderas Bay ranges from 27 to 120 feet, with an average visibility of 50 feet. And if you’re a beginner, check out the area known as “the Aquarium.” It has a maximum depth of 30 feet and is ideal for viewing exotic tropical fish and seahorses. Then, if you are a beginner diver, try “La Pared”, which is deeper. And dive at the “Bajo de Cristo”, which is a magnificent reef to explore. Finally, if you are an experienced diver, the “Devil’s Canyon”, which is the deepest point of Los Arcos, is a MUST!

Scuba diving in the Los Arcos Islands Marine Reserve is one of the best places in Mexico for this water activity. In fact, the area has now become one of the most popular areas in Western Mexico for scuba diving in Puerto Vallarta, from beginners to the most advanced.

One of the reasons for the fascination of scuba diving in Puerto Vallarta, particularly the Los Arcos Islands Preserve, is that it provides the historic entrance to Banderas Bay from the Pacific. Banderas Bay is the largest in all of Mexico, the second largest in North America and the seventh largest in the world. Therefore, the expectations for scuba diving in Puerto Vallarta are very high and the views are truly amazing.

The protection granted by the government has created an environment conducive to the development of the marine ecosystem of the Los Arcos Islands. Today, it is one of the favorite places for scuba diving in all of Mexico. Divers will discover a huge amount of aquatic life, including sea turtles, manta rays, octopuses, wild dolphins and humpback whales during the winter months, as well as thousands of species of tropical fish around the he is. Another interesting aspect of the Marietas Islands is that they are also home to thousands of birds.

Scuba diving excursions in Puerto Vallarta to the Los Arcos Islands include a medium-sized boat, a PADI-certified bilingual diving instructor, weights, a wetsuit and a BCD. ! There are various tour offerings and they will be more than happy to recommend some of the best in the business.

We also recommend bringing some cash for extras, extra towels, a change of dry clothes and a backpack. The entire Puerto Vallarta dive tour and Los Arcos Islands activity lasts approximately 5 hours and is pure fun. If you like scuba diving in Puerto Vallarta, this is the must-do activity!

We provide information and resources for visitors to Puerto Vallarta, areas of The Riviera Nayarit and other destinations in both states of Jalisco and Nayarit . You will find variety of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, descriptions and interviews, all of which are designed to help visitors plan their trip, including attractions, restaurants, and events. https://promovisionpv.com/

Visit and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more Puerto Vallarta – Riviera Nayarit videos: https://www.youtube.com/@promovision/videos