HomeOther DestinationsThe October Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The October Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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As the leaves change and the holidays approach, it’s time for us to pause to remember National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The October Breast Cancer Awareness Month campaign was founded in 1985 by the American Cancer Society and the pharmaceutical division of Imperial Chemical Industries. Together, these organizations wanted to increase research funding, spread information about signs of breast cancer, and support patients and their families. While the pink ribbon of breast cancer is recognizable around the world, it is important to know a few essential facts about the disease so as to protect yourself or support the millions of women who are affected by Breast Cancer each year. If you find yourself asking, “what is breast cancer?”, spend some time this October, during Breast Cancer Awareness month, learning more about the disease and how you can help.

What is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells within the breast, either in the lobules, ducts, or connective tissue. Like many other types of cancer, this disease can easily spread to other areas of the body. Each year, millions of new cases are identified, and breast cancer cuts the lives of hundreds of thousands of men and women too short. Most of these deaths occur among women who were diagnosed too late, mainly due to lack of awareness and barriers to medical services. While not all cases of breast cancer can be cured, knowing what is breast cancer and receiving early diagnoses can save thousands of lives, which is why the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is so important.

Why is October Breast Cancer Awareness Month?

Woman pointing to area on mammogram x-ray, close-up

There is no exact answer for why is October Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but it’s a time of year between back to school and the holidays when women should take time to prioritize their own health. At its inaugural debut, the former First Lady, Betty Ford, helped kick off the series of events for the first National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Ford herself was a breast cancer survivor who had been diagnosed during her husband’s presidency. For her, it didn’t matter why is October Breast Cancer Awareness Month or who her husband was. What mattered was knowing how to spot and treat this disease and sharing that information with the world.

How can I be a part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month?

Throughout the month of October, you’ll see a variety of events and fundraisers dedicated to spreading awareness and raising funds, from cocktail hours to Zumba classes. These are great opportunities for men and women to get together and educate themselves. The funding from these events goes towards different breast-cancer related causes, like funding for mammograms in impoverished areas or for additional research.

How Can I Perform a Self-Exam of my Breasts?

There are a lot of ways to be involved with Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but perhaps the most important is to learn how to check yourself for signs of breast cancer. Adult women should perform a self-exam at least once a month, and starting this practice early helps you learn what feels normal so that you can alert your doctor if there are any changes that could be possible signs of breast cancer. Begin by checking yourself in the mirror, noting any swelling, color changes, or dimpling of the skin. Then, with one hand above your head, press your finger pads along each breast and armpit, feeling for lumps, thickening, or any changes. Then, while lying down, press down on one breast at a time, making sweeping motions radiating from the nipple out as you press around the entire breast.

Taking time this month to fully understand what is breast cancer could possibly save your life or the life of a friend. While most people have heard of the disease, fewer know the signs of breast cancer or how to detect it. It’s exactly this lack of awareness that people are trying to change during Breast

The pink ribbon of Breast Cancer Awareness Month is recognized around the world, and while it should be a major talking point in communities across the globe, there are still millions of women who don’t fully understand the gravity of the situation. Sadly, signs of breast cancer still go unnoticed until it’s too late, causing the death of nearly 45,000 women each year and leaving hundreds of thousands more vulnerable. There are millions of new cases around the world detected each year, and while not all cases of breast cancer can be cured, early detection is the key to increased survival rates, which is why spreading awareness about the disease is so important.

During the month of October, you can easily learn about the different breast cancer causes and prevention, including information about how to check yourself for the signs of breast cancer and other important facts that could help save your life.

Breast Cancer Causes and Prevention

Cancer occurs when cells start to multiply uncontrollably, but doctors don’t know exactly why this occurs. However, there are several factors that are often associated with breast cancer. While both males and females can develop breast cancer in their mammary glands, women are far more likely to develop the disease. For many women, the cancer is often hereditary, with it running throughout the family. As you age, your chances for developing breast cancer also increase. Because there’s no singular cause, breast cancer prevention is dependent on early detection.

Signs of Breast Cancer

The best form of breast cancer prevention is a self-exam, a regular check of your own breasts to notice any changes that could be signs of breast cancer. Performing a self-check once a month will help you notice the development of any lumps or the thickening of tissue. As you check yourself, pay attention to the overall color of the breast, and check the nipple for any peeling, scaling, crusting or flaking. At the age of 40, women are encouraged to get annual mammograms to help detect signs of breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month Facts

In addition to knowing these breast cancer causes and prevention methods, knowing some breast cancer awareness month facts will help you remember to regularly check yourself and help educate others.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month was founded in 1985.

It started with a partnership between the American Cancer Society of the pharmaceutical division of Imperial Chemical Industries.

While these Breast Cancer Awareness Month facts are interesting, knowing how to check yourself and what to look for is the most important part of this campaign.

While fundraising events can be a fun time and the pink ribbon has become very popular, saving lives through breast cancer prevention is at the heart of this campaign. Through education and funding, thousands of lives can be saved. Taking time to learn how to perform a self-exam and knowing what to look for could help save your life or the life of a loved one.

At Hospital Joya, we are ready to kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Join us for the Pink Wave Cocktail on Friday, October 4th at 6 PM in the Lobby of Hospital Joya Marina
We look forward to seeing you as we create a space for togetherness, reflection, and support for this important cause

Events in Puerto Vallarta visit this web site: Health Care Resources Puerto Vallarta https://healthcareresourcespv.com E-mail Pamela@healthcareresourcespv.com

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